Configuring the NJE auto-start feature using NetView (optional)


This can only be used with Barr SNA connections to a JES2 host.

The NJE auto-start feature using NetView is an optional feature for Barr SNA connections only. When the VTAM PU is activated, the NJE node establishes an SSCP Acronym for System Services Control Point. A controlling program in an SNA domain. It resides in the host and is a component within VTAM. session with VTAM. Barr SNA passes to VTAM a Network Management Vector Transport (NMVT) frame that contains an alert message. NetView’s automation facility can be configured to monitor for the alert and automatically start the NJE node when the alert is detected.

Complete the following steps to configure NetView to monitor for the alert and start the NJE node when the alert is detected.

  1. In your local NetView DSIPARM data set, add a new Automation Table by creating a member (BARRALRT) with the statement shown below. Replace 'BAR6JES2' with the host node name (OWNNODE) of the JES2 system to which Barr is connecting.

IF MSUSEG (0000.92 5) = HEX('01B004') &
MSUSEG (0000.93 3) = HEX('20B3') &  
MSUSEG (0000.10.11.06 3) = 'BARR/SNA' &
MSUSEG (0000.95.82 6) = 'BAR6JES2' THEN  

  1. Include this new table in your default automation table (DSITBL01) by inserting a %INCLUDE BARRALRT statement. Alternatively, you can activate this table using the AUTOTBL MEMBER=BARRALRT command. To make sure the table is always active, add that command to your NetView startup procedures.

  2. In the BARRALRT automation table (above), the EXEC (CMD(‘BARR$SN’)) statement refers to a clist to which NetView will pass control when the alert is detected. In your local NetView CLIST PDS (CNMCLST), create a member (BARR$SN) that contains the following instructions to be executed when the alert message is detected.

/* Rexx clist to issue jes $sn command */          00010000
if msuseg('0000.94.82',6,8) ^= '' then do          00011002
luname = msuseg('0000.94.82',6,8)                  00012002
'MVS $SN,A=' luname                                00020002
end                                                00021002
ELSE "MVS $DM,'NO LUNAME FOUND'"                   00022002
exit                                               00030000

  1. After you start BARR/NJE, Barr SNA sends an alert to VTAM. NetView detects the alert, calls the list, and starts the NJE node. You can use the NetView NPDA application to view details of the alert. The alert display will look something like the following:

N E T V I E W          SESSION DOMAIN: CNM01    OPER1     08/13/02 14:41:22
CNM01       ISTPUS     NB6ET004   WKCPU                                     
+--------+            +--------+                                   
DOMAIN     |  COMC  |----LINE----|  CTRL  |                                 
+--------+            +--------+                                   
DATE/TIME: 07/28 13:01                                                      
NMVT - 41038D 0000000000                                                    
MAJOR VECTOR 0000 - 0060 0000                                               
SUBVECTOR 10                                                                
2110001E 110C0804 F0F0F0F0 F0F00A06 C2C1D9D9 61E2D5C1 0908F0F0 F0F0F0F0     
SUBVECTOR 92                                                                
0B920000 01B004F8 1909CA                                                    
SUBVECTOR 93                                                                
SUBVECTOR 94                                                                
19940401 71A10D82 008411D2 C5D5F1D5 D1C5F106 81140714 A4                    
SUBVECTOR 95                                                                
13950401 80B30D82 00DD11C2 C1D9F6D1 C5E2F2                                  
