Using the Resource Conversion utility


You can use the Resource Conversion utility to convert resource files for use with BARR/SPOOL.

  1. Open the Resource Conversion utility. (Open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the directory where the Barr software is installed, open the Spooler folder, and then open the Exe folder. Double-click ResourceConversion.exe. The default directory is \\Program Files\Barr\Spooler\Exe, unless an alternate path was specified during installation.)

  2. Click Browse and select the folder to which you want the converted files to be copied.

  3. Click Convert.

  4. Select a file to convert , and then click Open. Status messages display in the text box, indicating the status of the file conversion.

  5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 to convert additional files.

  6. When you are finished converting files, click Close to exit the utility.

  7. Copy the converted files to the overlay folder, if you selected a folder other than the overlay folder in step 2.

  8. Set up the forms overlay options in the spool printer configuration (from the Configuration Utility’s Spool Printers tab). See the Working with overlays topic for more information.

See also: