Fields in this custom section are maintained by the Barr software, primarily when jobs are received with an LPD program. Users can change the field values for LPD and non-LPD files. For example, you can use the job record fields LPD creates to route the job to a specific destination or print fields on the banner page. The LPD/User Custom Section is identified by these values: Major type = X’E7’, Modifier =0, and Code value = X’42415252’.
NDHDBCLS - Banner class
NDHDHOST - Host name
NDHDINDT - Indent counter
NDHDBJNM - Banner job name
NDHDBUID - Banner user name
NDHDPBAN - LPD has banner
NDHDMAIL - LPD mail when printed
NDHDJNAM - Custom job name
NDHDUSER - Custom user
NDHDTITL - Custom title
NDHDWDTH - Output width
NDHDXTND - Extended print commands
NDHDPTYP - LPD print type
Print queue name.
Length and type: 31 character
Default value: 0
LPD job identifier.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Sets the class name to print on the banner page. If name is omitted, uses name of host on which file is printed. Used to display the host from which the printing job originated. (RFC1179 8.1, control code One or more nonprinting characters used by a computer program to control the actions of a device, used in printing, communications, and management of display screens. C)
Length and type: 31 character
Default value: 0
Name of print job source. Control file must include this command. (RFC1179 8.2, control code H)
Length and type: 31 character
Default value: 0
Specifies the number of spaces to indent when the file is printed with the "f" command (the only valid command). (RFC1179 8.3, control code I)
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Banner job name. If you set this command, the job name prints on the banner page. Used to display the name of the files printed. Ignored unless you also use the "l" command. (RFC1179 8.4, control code J)
Length and type: 99 character
Default value: 0
Specifies the user identification of the entity to display on the banner when printing the job. Used only if LPR specifies a banner.
Length and type: 31 character
Default value: 0
Name of the banner user, which can be omitted. Causes banner page to print. Class for banner page "c" and job name for banner page "j" must precede this command in the control file. (RFC1179 8.5, control code L)
Length and type: bit 0
Default value: 0
Causes mail to be sent to the user at the host specified by the "h" entry when printing operation ends (successfully or not). The address is "mailbox@hostname" with the specified "h" being the hostname. (RFC1179 8.6, control code M)
Length and type: bit 1
Default value: 0
Specifies the name of the file from which the data file was constructed. Returned on a query and used to print with the "p" command code when no title is specified. (RFC1179 8.7, control code N)
Length and type: 131 character
Default value: 0
Specifies the user identification of the entity requesting the printing job. Must be included in the control file. (RFC1179 8.8, control code P)
Length and type: 31 character
Default value: 0
Provides a title for a file to be printed with the "p" command code. Ignored by other printing commands. (RFC1179 8.10, control code T)
Length and type: 79 character
Default value: 0
Limits the output to the specified number of columns when you specify to print formatted file ("f" command) or print the file leaving control characters ("l" command). Ignored for other output generating commands. (RFC1179 8.12, control code W)
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Allows print option extensions for cooperating clients and servers. Implementer chooses unique extension identifier. After a space, the rest of the line can be any characters except LF. (RFC1179 8.17, control code X)
Length and type: 128 character
Default value: 0
LPD print type. (RFC1179 8.11, control code U, unlink data file; RFC1179 9.3, control code f, print formatted file; RFC1179 9.6, control code l, print file leaving control characters; and RFC1179 9.9, control code r, print file with FORTRAN carriage control)
Length and type: 64 character
Default value: 0
LPD print font controls. The commands exist to override the default fonts for the print queue. The commands are not necessary if the default settings for the print queue match those for which the document was generated, or if the document already contains information about which fonts are used (for example, *.dvi files). These are valid values:
0 = Font not set
1 = Roman font
2 = Italic font
3 = Bold font
4 = Symbol font
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0