Data set header RSCS section

Remote Spooling Communications Subsystem (RSCS) is a program product for VM/SP. It is a special-purpose subsystem that supports the reception and transmission of messages, files, commands, and jobs over a network. Output created at a VM/RSCS node.

Click any of the following fields for more detailed information.


Reserved flag byte.

Length and type: 1 byte

Default value: none


CP spool file class.

Length, type, and range: 1 character (A-Z, 0-9)

Default value: none


Originating CP device Type and Range. (See the CP DEVTYPE AND RANGES macro An instruction in a source language that points to a sequence of instructions in the same language to replace it. for valid values.)

Length and type: 1 binary

Default value: none


The 3800 virtual page length.

Length and type: 1 binary

Default value: none


CP distribution code.

Length and type: 8 character

Default value: blanks


CP file name.

Length and type: 12 character

Default value: blanks


CP file Type and Range.

Length and type: 12 character

Default value: blanks


RSCS transmission priority indicated on the TAG command.

Length, type, and range: 2 binary (0-99)

Default value: 50


Version number of the RSCS system that created the header.

Length and type: 1 binary

Default value: none


Release number of the RSCS system that created the header.

Length and type: 1 binary

Default value: none


TAG record specified on the TAG command.

Length and type: 136 character

Default value: none


List processor data set number.

Length and type: 2 binary

Default value: 0