Data set header output processing section

Used for transmitting output processing parameters. Identified by an identifier field of X’89’ and a modifier field of X’00’. Section length is variable and depends on the Type and Range and number of output processing parameters transmitted.

Individual output processing parameters are represented by self-defining data structures contained in the Output Processing Text Block (OPTB), which follows a fixed-length part of the section. The parameter representations are called Output Processing Text Units (OPTUs or TUs).

The 3800 section of the data set header still gets built if the user specifies any 3800 attributes. Some fields are duplicated in the OPTB. If an operator command changes 3800 fields, those changes only need to be reflected in the 3800 section, not in the OPTB. The 3800 section fields override the OPTB at the SYSOUT destination.

Includes several fields that describe the length of parts of the output processing section. All length fields include the length of their own field.

JES2 and JES3 call this section the data stream The uninterrupted transfer of information over an interface to achieve high data transfer rates. section in their control block references.


Two-byte field that holds the length of the fixed area through field NDHSGPID, but not including NDHSOPTB or the OPTBs. You cannot change the value for this field.

Length and type: 2 binary

Default value: none


Length and type: 1 byte

Default value: X'00'

Contains this bit: NDHSCPDS


Presence of "stream mode" data (SRCB Sub-record control byte. A bit field composed of two bits. = X'B0') and "AFPDS" data are semantically identical in the NJE protocols.

Type: bit 80

Default value: 0


Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: none


Length and type: 8 character

Default value: blanks


Length and type: 4 character

Default value: 'SJPF'


Required constant that identifies the prefix version. The constant will be set, but might be ignored by non-MVS systems. Settings indicate the following MVS systems:

01 = MVS/SP 1.3.1 (FMID JBB1327)

02 = MVS/SP 1.3.3 (FMID JBB1329)

Length and type: 1 binary

Default value: X'02'


Prefix length that points to the beginning of variable-length OPTUs (start of OPTBs = NDHSOPTB + NDHSPLEN). Fixed at X'1C' for the NDHSVERS=02 version.

Length and type: 1 binary

Default value: X'1C'


Length of the data (ALL OPTUs) after the prefix.

Length and type: 2 binary

Default value: X'0000'


Length and type: 8 character

Default value: 'OUTPUT'


Reserved flag byte.

Length and type: 1 byte

Default value: X'80'