Job header JES2 section

JES2 section of the job header.


Job level flags.

Length and type: 1 bit

Default value: 0

Contains these bits:

NJH2FJOB (03 bit in NJH2FLG1)

If the field is X'00', the job was sent as a batch job.

Type: bit 03

NJH2FSTC (01 bit in NJH2FLG1)

If this bit is on, the job was sent under a started task.

Type: bit 01

NJH2FTSU (02 bit in NJH2FLG1)

If this bit is on, a time-sharing user sent the job.

Type: bit 02

NJH2FUSE (04 bit in NJH2FLG1)

User ID present in NJH2USID.

Type: bit 04

NJH2FTPO (08 bit in NJH2FLG1)

Job represents output from an APPC/MVS transaction program.

Type: bit 08

Default value: blanks


Sender's account number.

Length and type: 4 character

Default value: 0


USER SMF field. NJE does not use this field. The JES2 spool offload facility uses it.

Length and type: 8 character

Default value: blanks


User ID specified on the JCL used to send the job. NJE does not use this field. The JES2 spool offload facility uses it.

Length and type: 8 character

Default value: binary zeros


Group identifier specified in the JCL used to send the job. NJE does not use this field. The JES2 spool offload facility uses it.

Length and type: 8 character

Default value: binary zeros


User ID of the user who sent the job. NJE does not use this field. The JES2 spool offload facility uses it.

Length and type: 8 character

Default value: binary zeros


Group identifier of the user who sent the job. NJE does not use this field. The JES2 spool offload facility uses it.

Length and type: 8 character

Default value: binary zeros