Job header POWER section

POWER section of the job header.



Length and type: 1 byte

Default value: 0


Job's disposition. POWER gets the job's disposition from the *$$ JOB statement.

Length and type: 1 character

Default value: D


Receiving node's system qualifier. POWER uses the system qualifier if the node uses a shared spool environment.

Length and type: 1 character

Default value: blank


User information specified on the *$$ JOB statement.

Length and type: 16 characters

Default value: blanks


Disk address.

Length and type: 2 binary

Default value: 0


Due date flags.

Length and type: 1 binary

Default value: 0


Due date flags.

Length and type: 1 binary

Default value: 0

Contains this bit:

NJHPDG2X (01 bit in NJHPDG2X)

There is existing Information about the due date.

Type: bit 01

Default value: 0


Months in which to schedule a job. X'80' = January, X'40' = February, and so forth.

Length and type: 2 binary

Default value: 0


Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: 0


Year in which to schedule the job (in packed decimal format without sign).

Length, type, and range: 2 binary (1988-2087)

Default value: 0


Month in which to schedule the job (in packed decimal format without sign).

Length, type, and range: 1 binary (1-12)

Default value: 0


Day on which to schedule the job (in packed decimal format without sign).

Length, type, and range: 1 binary (1-31)

Default value: 0


Hour at which to schedule the job (in packed decimal format without sign).

Length, type, and range: 1 binary (0-23)

Default value: 0


Minute at which to schedule the job (in packed decimal format without sign).

Length, type, and range: 1 binary (0-59)

Default value: 0


General purpose byte 3.

Type: binary

Default value: 0

Contains these bits:

NJHPDG3G (80 bit in NJHPDG3G)

Specifies LOG=NO.

Type: bit 80

Default value: 0

NJHPDG3M (40 bit in NJHPDG3G)

Specifies EOJMSG=YES.

Type: bit 40

Default value: 0

NJHPDG3Q (20 bit in NJHPDG3G)

Queue job completion message.

Type: bit 20

Default value: 0


Distribution code specified in the * $$ LST or * $$ PUN statements.

Length and type: 8 character

Default value: 0


Parent job's job number.

Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: 0


Program ID that submitted the job.

Length and type: 8 character


User ID that submitted the job.

Length and type: 8 character


Node name where job was submitted.

Length and type: 8 character


Node's system qualifier where job was submitted.

Length and type: 1 binary

Default value: 0


Security user ID specified for the SEC operand of the *$$ JOB statement. Used for VSE/ESA security.

Length and type: 8 character


Security password specified for the SEC operand of the *$$ JOB statement. Used for VSEL/ESA security.

Length and type: 8 binary

Default value: 0


Security node name specified for the SECNODE operand of the POWER generation macro An instruction in a source language that points to a sequence of instructions in the same language to replace it. Used for VSE/ESA security.

Length and type: 8 character