Printers - Content tab

This tab is divided into two sections that list associated attributes and options. Although these commands are requested by LPR, the commands will be executed only if supported by the LPD. You can access this tab when you define a printer using the Barr LPR port.

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Content TAb

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File types

These LPR file configuration commands specify the printing of one data file in a particular format.

CIF file (-Oc)

Plots the data file while treating the data as a CIF (CalTech Intermediate Form) graphics language.

DVI file (-Od)

Prints the data file while treating the data as a DVI (TeX output) file.

Plain text (-Of)

Prints the data file as plain text, providing page breaks as necessary. Some ASCII control characters may be discarded. This is the default configuration.

Plot file (-Og)

Plots the data file while treating the data as output from the Berkeley UNIX plot library.

Literal (-Ol)

Prints the data file without filtering the control characters.

Ditroff output (-On)

Prints the data file while treating the data as device-independent ditroff output.

Pr (-Op)

Prints the data file with a heading, page numbers, and pagination.


Prints the data file while interpreting the first column of each line as FORTRAN carriage control. The command also supports ASA.

Troff output (-Ot)

Prints the data file as Graphic Systems phototypesetter input. This is the standard output of the original UNIX troff command.

Verbatim (-Ov)

Sends the data file directly to the printer without additional processing. The behavior of the directive is dependent upon the printer that the queue feeds.

User defined (-Ox)

Allows for file type extensions to be made to cooperating clients and servers.


These LPR font configuration commands override the default fonts for the specified print queue.

The LPR font command is available only when the -Ot, -On, or -Od switch is enabled.


Uses the default fonts for the print queue.

Troff R (-1)

Specifies the file name for the troff R font. This is the font that is printed using a roman font by default.

Troff I (-2)

Specifies the file name for the troff I font. This is the font that is printed using an italic font by default.

Troff B (-3)

Specifies the file name for the troff B font. This is the font that is printed using a bold font by default.

Troff S (-4)

Specifies the file name for the troff S font. This is the font that is printed using a symbol font by default.