HPR/IP (Enterprise Extender) Link tab

Use this tab to configure the HPR/IP (Enterprise Extender) link service. For RJE, you can access this tab when you configure HPR/IP in the RJE Configuration Utility by clicking Modify on the Communication Link tab. For NJE, you can access this tab when you configure HPR/IP in the NJE Configuration Utility by clicking Modify on the Barr SNA Configuration dialog box.

Click an option you want to learn more about.

Link Tab

What do you want to do?

See also:

Network node server

Host name or IP address

The host name or IP address of the Network Node Server. This must match the name specified when configuring TCP/IP and VTAM.



The network name for the HPR/IP link service. This must match the name specified for the NETID parameter when configuring TCP/IP and VTAM. The value must be text with a maximum of eight characters.


The control point name for the HPR/IP link service. If you are not using Autogen, this must match the name specified for the CPNAME parameter when configuring TCP/IP and VTAM. The value must be text with a maximum of eight characters.


Displays software version information about the installed drivers.


Displays the Barr HPR/IP link service version number.


Displays the Barr HPR/IP configuration utility version number.