Using the LPQ command line approach

Use the LPQ command line approach to view the print queue for your current logon name.

Enter the following command at the MS-DOS prompt. Follow the example closely with regard to spacing and case.

LPQ -Sserver -Pprinter [-l]

For example, use the LPQ command to display the detailed status of the print queue for a specific user: LPQ -S999.9.999.9 -Pprinter1 -l

  1. After the -S parameter, enter the IP address Short for Internet Protocol address. A 32-bit (4-byte) binary number that uniquely identifies a host (computer) connected to the Internet to other Internet hosts. or equivalent host name of the print server.

  2. After the -P parameter, enter the name of the print queue on the print server.

  3. Once the server and printer parameters have been defined, you can enter -l to display the detailed status (this is optional).

  4. Add the NDHDUSER (Custom User) column to the Spool Window to view the user that submitted the print job. Add the NDHDQNAM (LPD Queue) column to the Spool Window to view the print queue.

See also: