Using the Make Banner utility

The following links describe how to work with banner items, modify the banner size, and zoom in or out of banner pages.

See also:

Adding banner items

This section describes how to add banner items.

To add text

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open a new or existing banner document.

  3. On the menu bar, select Add | Text Item, or right-click the banner page and select Add Text Item. The Text Item dialog box displays.

  4. Type a value in the Line box to specify the line where the text will appear.

  5. Type a value in the Column box to specify the column where the text will start.

  6. Type the text in the Text box. You can enter a header field by clicking Insert Field.

  7. Click OK to add the text item to the banner page or Cancel to exit without adding the item. Banner page text items display shaded in purple. The shaded rectangle is horizontally sized according to any text or header fields specified. The shaded area displays as the maximum length of the string when printed.

To add repeating text

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open a new or existing banner document.

  3. On the menu bar, select Add | Repeating Text, or right-click anywhere on the banner page and select Add Repeating Text. The Repeating Text dialog box displays.

  4. Type a value in the Line box to specify the line where the text will appear.

  5. Type the text in the Text box. You can enter a header field by clicking Insert Field.

  6. Click OK to add the repeating text item to the banner page or Cancel to exit without adding the item. The text prints repeatedly across the page to the specified banner width. Repeating text items display shaded in pink.

To add block text

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open a new or existing banner document.

  3. On the menu bar, select Add | Block Text, or right-click anywhere on the banner page and select Add Block Text. The Block Text dialog box displays.

  4. Type a value in the Start Line box to specify the line where the text block will start.

  5. Type the text in the Text box. You can enter a header field by clicking Insert Field. The block text prints 12 lines high. The default font is normal and the alignment is centered, unless you choose the Italic or Left Justify option.

  6. Click OK to add the block text item to the banner page or click Cancel to exit without adding the item. The text prints across the page to the specified banner width. Block text items display shaded in green.

To add a text column

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open a new or existing banner document.

  3. On the menu bar, select Add | Text Column, or right-click anywhere on the banner page and select Add Text Column. The Text Column dialog box displays.

  4. Type a value in the Start Line box to specify the line where the column of text will start.

  5. Type a value in the End Line box to specify the line where the column of text will end.

  6. Type a value in the Column box to specify the column in which the text will appear.

  7. Type the text in the Text box. You can enter a header field by clicking Insert Field.

  8. Click OK to add the text column item to the banner page or click Cancel to exit without adding the item. Banner page text columns display shaded in blue. The shaded rectangle is horizontally sized according to any text or header fields specified. The shaded area displays as the maximum length of the string when printed.

To add a field

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open a new or existing banner document.

  3. From the Add menu, select the type of banner item you want to add.

  4. Click Insert Field. The Insert Field dialog box displays.

    Insert Field Dialog Box

  5. Select the header section that contains the field you want to insert.

  6. Select the field to insert. If you insert more than one field across a banner page line, you might need to limit the size of one or more of the fields. To limit a field’s size, enter a number from zero to 255 in the length box. For example, if you change the length to 10, only the first 10 characters of the field will print. If you leave the value at zero, the entire header field you selected will print. If you insert more than one field, any punctuation you use to separate the fields in the Add dialog box displays and prints on the banner page.

  1. Click OK to insert the field on the banner page or Cancel to exit without inserting the field.

Modifying banner items

To modify banner items, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open an existing banner document.

  3. Right-click the banner page item you want to edit.

  4. Select Edit Item.

  5. Modify the banner page item as necessary.

  6. Click OK to save your changes to the item or Cancel to exit without editing the item.

Removing banner items

To remove banner items, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open an existing banner document.

  3. Right-click the banner page item you want to delete.

  4. Select Delete Item to delete the selected item.

Moving banner items

To move an item on the banner page, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open an existing banner document.

  3. Click the item you want to move.

  4. Hold down the left mouse button and drag the item to the new location.

  5. Release the mouse button. If a banner item is placed on top of another banner item, the overlapping portion appears gray.

Modifying the banner size

To modify the banner size, complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open an existing banner document.

  3. On the menu bar, select Edit | Banner Size, or right-click the banner page and select Edit Banner Size to display the Banner Size dialog box. The Lines and Columns fields indicate the banner page’s current size.

  4. Enter a value in the Lines field to change the banner page length.

  5. Enter a value in the Columns field to change the banner page width.

  6. Click OK to save your changes or Cancel to exit without changing the banner size. If banner text exists outside the specified dimensions, banner text might not print correctly or in its entirety.

Zooming in or out of banners

You can set the magnification level when working with banners. The zoom feature enlarges or reduces the display of your banner as a percentage of its actual size.

  1. Open the Make Banner utility.

  2. Open a new or existing banner document.

  3. On the menu bar, select View | Zoom.

  4. Select the magnification level from one of the available options. Choose 100% to view the banner in its actual size.