Working with LPD print queues

The functions of the LPD protocol are centered around the manipulation of a print queue on a host, either local or remote. You can assign default LPD properties, as well as LPD properties for specific print queues.

Closing the LPD tab by clicking OK, will automatically save all updated LPD information and refresh the LPD service. All connections to LPD after that point will use the updated information. If you do not exit by clicking OK, you must restart the BARR LPD service manually.

Use the following procedures to add, modify, and remove LPD print queues.

See also:

Adding LPD print queues

Complete the following steps to add LPD print queues.

  1. Open the TCP/IP Configuration utility.

  2. On the LPD tab, click Add | Queue.

    LPD Tab

  3. Type the queue Name, and then click OK. The File Properties dialog box displays with the <Default> LPR control file command selected. By default, each queue contains a <Default> command and it must be configured before adding any additional commands. This command can be modified, but not removed. Use the following steps to configure the default command.

    File Properties Dialog Box

We recommend you create a different queue for each type of file you will be receiving. For example, to add an ASCII with ASA queue, you would name the queue ASA, then modify the <Default> LPR control file command to receive files as ASCII with ASA carriage control.

  1. Under LPR commands, specify if you want to Ignore the commands. BARR/PRINT TCP/IP (DOS) supported printing banner pages based on information in the control file. For the Barr Host Communications Suite, you can achieve this functionality by using the Make Banner utility.

  2. Specify the document attributes. LPD sets these fields to specified values before they are sent to the spool. Click Add or select a field and click Modify to configure attributes on the Select Field dialog box. Select a field and click Remove to delete the attribute.

  3. Click OK. The Input Conversion Utility displays.

  4. On the Format tab, select the file type you will be receiving and select options as necessary. The options that are available vary depending on the selected file type. See the Format tab for descriptions of each option.

  5. On the Options tab, select an output statement and configure headers from data if necessary. We do not recommend using these options together. If you want to use both of these options, select your settings carefully. You can also select a code page and specify the number of records to remove if necessary. See the Options tab for descriptions of each option.

  6. Click OK.

  1. To define additional LPR commands for the queue, click Add | LPR Command. The File Properties dialog box displays.

  2. Under LPR commands, select the commands contained in the LPR control file.

  3. Follow steps a - f to complete the configuration. Repeat the steps as needed to add additional LPR commands to the queue.

  4. Click OK to close the utility. Closing the LPD tab by clicking OK will automatically save all updated LPD information and refresh the LPD service. All connections to LPD after that point will use the updated information.

Modifying LPD print queues

Complete the following steps to modify the settings for LPD print queues.

  1. Open the TCP/IP Configuration utility.

  2. From the LPD tab, click the plus sign (+) next to the queue you want to modify.

  3. Use one of the following methods to modify the queue.

To rename the queue

Right-click the queue and select Rename or select the queue and click Modify | Queue Name.

To add LPR commands to the queue

Right-click the queue and select Add LPR Command or select the queue and click Add | LPR Command. The File Properties dialog box displays where you select the LPR command and document attributes. When you click OK, the Input Conversion Utility displays. Use the Format tab to select the file type you will be receiving and select options as necessary. Use the Options tab to select an output statement, configure headers from data, and select code pages if necessary. The options that are available vary depending on the selected file type.

To modify LPR commands

Right-click the LPR command and select Modify Properties or Modify Conversions or select the LPR command and click Modify | Properties or Conversions. Modifying properties will display the File Properties dialog box where you select the LPR command and document attributes. Modifying conversions will display the Input Conversion Utility. Use the Format tab to select the file type you will be receiving and select options as necessary. Use the Options tab to select an output statement, configure headers from data, and select code pages if necessary. The options that are available vary depending on the selected file type.

To remove LPR commands

Right-click the LPR command and select Remove or select the LPR command and click Remove. By default, each queue contains a <Default> command. This command can be modified, but not removed.

Removing LPD print queues

If you delete the <Default> LPD queue, LPD will reject all requests to queues that are not listed on the LPD tab. A message will appear in the Operator Console stating the name of the requested queue and that the connection was refused. You can create a new default queue by adding a new queue named <Default> and assigning properties. See the Recreating the <Default> LPD queue topic for a list of the default properties.

Complete the following steps to remove LPD print queues.

  1. Open the TCP/IP Configuration utility.

  2. From the LPD tab, select the queue that you want to remove and click Remove. You can also right-click the queue and select Remove.

  3. Click Yes to confirm that you would like to remove the LPD print queue.