Services - Choosing the correct account type

You can install the Barr Host Communications Suite on one the following platforms: workstation, stand-alone server, or domain controller. During installation, you will be given the choice of installing the software in the system account or user account.

You must be a member of the local Administrators group on the computer where you install the Barr Host Communications Suite.

What do you want to do?

System account

If the service will be connecting to or accessing shared network resources, we recommend configuring the service to run in a user account. Any time the service requests access to a system resource, the service is identified to the resource as the user for which the service was configured to run. Running the service in a user account usually provides the system administrator with a greater degree of flexibility in selecting the resources to which the service will have access.

The system account is a predefined local account used by system processes. If you are installing the Barr software on a computer running in a stand-alone environment, or if security is not an issue, selecting the system account usually simplifies the management of the service.

The Barr Host Communications Suite modules that are services will inherit the security context of the SCM Acronym for Service Control Manager. The part of Windows that launches background tasks. The system account is not associated with any user accounts and does not use credentials such as a domain name, user name, or password. Because the account does not have credentials, it has limited access to network resources and shared objects. It does, however, have almost unlimited access to local resources.

User account

We recommend configuring the service to run in a user account if the service will be connecting to or accessing shared network resources. Any time the service requests access to a system resource, the service is identified to the resource as the user for which the service was configured to run. Running the service in a user account usually provides the system administrator with a greater degree of flexibility in selecting the resources to which the service will have access.

If you select to install on a user account, you will be prompted for a domain name, account (logon name), and password. The Barr Host Communications Suite modules that are Windows services will be configured to run as this user.


There are three possible entries for the domain: you can leave it blank, enter the local computer name, or enter the domain name. If you leave the domain blank, the installer will assume you intend to use a local account on the computer to which you are installing.

This table describes how the domain entry affects new and existing user accounts on a workstation or stand-alone server.

Domain Field

New User Account

Existing User Account


Creates a new user account on the local computer.

Uses the existing account on the local computer.

Local Computer Name

Creates a new user account on the local computer.

Uses the existing account on the local computer.

Domain Name

Creates a new user account in the specified domain.

Uses the existing account in the specified domain.

When installing on a primary or backup domain controller, the user account will always be a domain user account. Remember that domain accounts are visible to the entire network.

If you install the Barr Host Communications Suite on a backup domain controller, or specify a domain user account during installation, the primary domain controller for the specified domain must be online Activated and ready for operation; capable of communicating with or being controlled by a computer. and available during the installation process.

Installing the software on a domain controller can affect the performance of the Barr Host Communications Suite, depending on the number of users serviced by the domain controller.



During installation, you can enter the name of an existing user account, or you can create a new account by entering a user name that does not currently exist. For both new and existing accounts, the installer will add the account to the local Administrators group, if it is not already a member. The user will also be granted the necessary rights to log on as a service and to log on as a batch job. These rights must be set on the user account for the Barr Host Communications Suite to function correctly.

We recommend you enter a new account and allow the Barr Host Communications Suite to create it for you. If the account is a domain user account, the user installing the Barr Host Communications Suite must also be in the domain Administrators group, or have the necessary permissions to create a domain user account.

To view a list of current user accounts defined on the computer, open the User Manager.


The password you provide depends upon the account you use. If you are creating a new account, then you can use any password you want. If you are using an existing account, be sure to  use the same password as entered in the Windows User Manager.

If you install Barr Host Communications Suite under an existing user account, and the account policies have changed requiring a longer password, you will receive an error indicating the specified password is too short. To correct this problem, change the account password to be at least as long as required by the system where the account was created.

Do not change the password of the user account used to install the Barr Host Communications Suite. If the password is changed, the Barr Host Communications Suite will not start.