The self-test error messages might lead you directly to the problem. You also can check the following:
A failure during Phase 1 of the self-test usually indicates a problem with channel adapter installation. Your hardware manual and online help contain instructions for performing some these steps.
Is there an IRQ conflict with another adapter? Check the computer's BIOS to make sure there are no IRQ conflicts between the Barr adapter and other adapters. If there is a conflict, reset the IRQ.
If using the CHANNEL ISA adapter, is the base address specified in the software the same as the jumper settings on the adapter? If not, change the device address.
If using the CHANNEL ISA adapter, is there a DMA conflict with another adapter? If so, reset the DMA.
Is the adapter installed correctly? Make sure the adapter is firmly in the slot.
Is the adapter making a clean connection? Try cleaning the adapter’s gold-plated fingers with a pencil eraser.
You also might want to view the system event log. It contains information about the software events that occur during adapter and driver installation. Use the Event Viewer to view the event log. See the Event Viewer chapter of your Windows NT Workstation System Guide for more information.