This topic contains solutions to common problems that you might experience with BARR/CHANNEL.
Cause: The CAB power supplies were manufactured by two different manufacturers, Ault and Elpac. The power supplies manufactured by Elpac can occasionally lose power on 220 volt systems. This seems to result from the lower current draw on the higher voltage systems.
Solution: The power supply manufactured by Ault never exhibited this problem. Power supplies currently being shipped are manufactured by Ault, so a hardware replacement should solve this problem. Contact Barr Systems for information regarding a hardware replacement.
Cause: The channel device is not being recognized by the host as a 3791L.
Solution: Run diagnostics to verify the hardware is not failing.
Solution: Turn off and turn on the computer and the CAB.
Cause: Microsoft no longer includes all of the link services during a standard installation of SNA Server 4.0 Service Pack 2.
Solution: To get the Barr Link Services installed during the Service Pack installation process, you must perform a custom installation.
During the Installation of SNA Server 4.0 with Service Pack 2 (included on the CD), a dialog box will prompt you to select the components that you want to install. Choose Select Components.
Select the SNA Server Components and Services check box.
Click Change Option.
Select the Link Services check box.
Click Change Option again.
Select the Barr Systems Link Services check box from the list.
Click OK twice.
After installing the Service Pack, run the Barr setup program to update the Barr drivers with the current version. The latest drivers are available on the Barr Web site at