Configuration tab

Business Rules

Use this dialog box to configure the ADM (Advanced Document Modification) process. In this process, each page of the document is read, portions of the document can be changed or values extracted, and then the page is written. Documents can be reordered, split, transformed to a different data type, bar codes added, OMR marks added, and logos changed using ADM. ADM can be executed in a business rule action or in the output process.

You can access this dialog box when you configure a business rule to modify document contents or configure an ADM output process action.

Click an option you want to learn more about.

Configuration tab

What do you want to do?

Server configuration

Server - Specifies the licensed transform server that you would like to use.

Transform package - Specifies the transform package. You can select a transform package from the list or click New to create one. You can also select a transform package and modify or remove it.

Additional parameters - Specifies any additional parameters needed for the document modification software.

Override input filter profile assigned to document - Determines if you want to use the filter profile assigned to the document or if you want to use the filter profile configured in the transform package. Select the checkbox to use the filter profile in the transform package.

Unit library configuration

Unit library - Unit libraries are JavaScript modules that CpMill calls at certain known times while processing a document (for example, begin document, page start, page end, etc.). The modules can modify the contents of the document, extract information from the document, write the document, or parts of it, to a new location, or perform many other operations.

Unit library will create:

This option is only available when configuring ADM actions for business rules.

Follow on actions

Input document - Specifies the follow on actions for the input document (original document). You can choose to delete, retain, or process the next rule for the original document. The newly created documents (output documents) continue with the next rule action.

Follow on actions are only available when configuring ADM actions for business rules.