Error handling tab


Use this tab to configure error handling options that available to all destination types. You can access this tab when you create or configure a destination.

Click an option you want to learn more about.

Error handling tab

What do you want to do?

Disable destination when the following conditions occur

Use the check boxes to determine what conditions should disable the destination.

Destination reports SNMP Red status

Determines if you want to activate the failover profile when the destination reports an SNMP Red status.

Default failover destination

Failover specifies what should happen to documents when they are sent to inaccessible destinations (they aren’t able to receive documents). You can choose to route the documents to a destination group or specific destination. The parent group where the destination currently resides is selected by default.

Use parent group – Select a parent group from the list.

Use this group or destination – Use the Browse button to select a destination group or a specific destination.