FTP settings tab


Use this tab to configure an FTP source. Documents received by this source will be routed to Barr EOM. You can access this tab when you create or configure an FTP source.

Click an option you want to learn more about.

FTP Settings Tab

What do you want to do?


Specifies the name of the FTP source.



Specifies the Barr EOM server where the Barr EOM Input Service is located for this source. The source does not have to be on the same server as the Barr EOM Input Service.



Lists any general comments about the source.



Specifies any specific location information for the source.



Displays an FTP source image. To change the source image, click Select Image and choose the appropriate image file (.bmp, jpg, or png). The selected image will be compressed and scaled to 96x96 pixels. Changing this image will not change the smaller image that displays or the image that displays in the source tree. To change the image back to the default, click Reset Image.


FTP server

Specifies the FTP server, which can be an FTP or IP address.



Specifies the host's port number. The port number must be from 1 through 65536. The default value is 21.


Use passive mode

Determines if the host mode will be passive or active. Selecting the check box selects passive mode, where the client creates a session to receive data. Unselecting the check box will choose active mode, where the host creates a separate or new session to transfer data in response to a request from the client.


User name

Specifies the user name that will be used when logging on to the host account. If the host account does not require a user name, you can leave this box blank.


Password/Confirm Password

Specifies the user password that will be used when logging in to the email account. If the email account does not require a password, you can leave these boxes blank.


FTP folder

Specifies the location on the host from which the files will be retrieved when receiving files. You must type the entire path of the folder or the path relative to the FTP user home directory (for example, if your home directory is at \FTP\UserName, you can either specify \FTP\UserName\MySourceFiles or \MySourceFiles).


Scan subfolders

Determines if you want to scan any subfolders of the FTP folder specified.


Remove subfolders

Determines if you want to delete the subfolders of the FTP folder, after the files are transferred into Barr EOM.



Specifies the time interval for checking the host for documents. The default value is 60 seconds.


Temp folder

Specifies the location files are transferred into during the FTP session. When the session is complete they are put in the file store.
