WebSphere MQ settings tab (Source)


WebSphere MQ is a message queuing system designed by IBM that runs on many platforms such as Windows, Unix, Linux, and z/OS. Barr EOM provides an interface into that queuing system. Barr EOM can then communicate (send and receive messages) with other applications using WebSphere MQ.

Use this tab to configure a WebSphere MQ source. This source will receive WebSphere MQ messages.

You can access this tab when you create or configure a WebSphere MQ source.

To use this source, a WebSphere MQ client must be installed separately.

Click an option you want to learn more about.

WebSphere MQ Settings Tab

What do you want to do?


Specifies the name of the WebSphere MQ source.



Specifies the Barr EOM server where the Barr EOM Input Service is located for this source. The source does not have to be on the same server as the Barr EOM Input Service.



Lists any general comments about the source.



Specifies any specific location information for the source.



Displays a WebSphere MQ source image. To change the source image, click Select Image and choose the appropriate image file (.bmp, jpg, or png). The selected image will be compressed and scaled to 96x96 pixels. Changing this image will not change the smaller image that displays or the image that displays in the source tree. To change the image back to the default, click Reset Image.


Queue manager

Specifies the name of the queue manager. This must match the queue manager specified in WebSphere MQ. The queue manager administers the queues that have been created on it (these are known as local queues).


Queue name

Specifies the queue name where messages received by this source will be stored. This must match the queue name specified in WebSphere MQ. The queue name along with the name of its queue manager, provides a unique address where messages can be received.


Channel name

Each WebSphere MQ queue manager has different types of connectivity options. Since Barr EOM uses TCPIP for the channel connection, you must specify the channel configured for TCPIP. You can get this name from the WebSphere MQ list of channels.

Make sure the SSL certificate required option is not selected in WebSphere MQ. Barr EOM does not support this at this time.


Connection name

Specifies the connection name. The connection name is the IP address and (port) or DNS name for the server to which you are attempting to connect. Messages are transferred over the connection and placed in the queue.
