WebSphere MQ settings tab (Destination Bulk Configuration)


WebSphere MQ is a message queuing system designed by IBM that runs on many platforms such as Windows, Unix, Linux, and z/OS. Barr EOM provides an interface into that queuing system. Barr EOM can then communicate (send and receive messages) with other applications using WebSphere MQ.

Use this tab to create multiple WebSphere MQ destinations at once. Documents routed to this destination will be sent as WebSphere MQ messages.

To use this destination, a WebSphere MQ client must be installed separately.

Click an option you want to learn more about.

WebSphere MQ settings tab

What do you want to do?

Select all button

Selects all of the destinations listed in the grid.


Unselect all button

Clears any selected destinations in the grid.



Click directly in the grid to configure the destination.

You can configure a default value and a dynamic override value for most options. Default values are used to manage the documents as they are being sent to the destination. You can choose to dynamically override the default values using document properties. To enter an override value, right-click in the desired Dynamic cell and select Insert Document Property. A menu containing all of the available properties displays. You can select a property from the list or type the property name. If a property is selected and it contains a value, that value is processed instead of the default value.

Make sure the SSL certificate required option is not selected in WebSphere MQ. Barr EOM does not support this at this time.


Add button

Adds a destination to the grid. A new row will appear at the bottom of the grid.


Copy button

Creates a copy of the destination selected in the grid. A new row will appear at the bottom of the grid.


Remove button

Deletes the selected destination.
