For 3800 printer output. Has an identifier field of X’00’ and a modifier field of X’80’.
NDHAFLG1 - Flag byte
NDHAF1J -Table reference characters
NDHAF1BR - 3800 burster
NDHAF1BN - Not 3800 burster
NDHAFLCT - Flash count
NDHATREF - Table reference
NDHATAB1 - Transition table #1 name
NDHATAB2 - Transition table #2 name
NDHATAB3 - Transition table #3 name
NDHATAB4 - Transition table #4 name
NDHAFLSH - Flash cartridge ID
NDHAMODF - Copy modification ID
NDHACPYG - Copy groups
Length and type: 1 byte
Default value: 0
Contains these bits:
NDHAF1J -Table reference characters
NDHAF1BR - 3800 burster
NDHAF1BN - Not 3800 burster
On indicates data set contains table reference characters (TRC). Sets the bit if you specify OPTCD=J.
AS/400 sets and reads this bit for TRC.
RSCS sets this bit as follows:
On for all virtual 3800 files. Any virtual 3800 file has TRC bytes inserted (in all records except those representing CCWs for intermediate operations and all spanned records). Removes select CAT CCWs in these files. On means incoming file is changed to a virtual 3800 print file.
Off for non-3800 files unless OPTCD=J is specified on the TAG command.
POWER sets and uses this flag when a Spool Access Support user indicates that the first character is a TRC.
Type: bit 80 (decimal 128)
Default value: 0
You can also use an internal 0xFE channel command to turn on TRC processing for 3800 printers.
On indicates to use the 3800 burster.
AS/400 does not use this bit and sets it off.
JES2 and JES3 set this bit from the job's JCL and use it.
RSCS sets the bit if BURST=Y is specified in the TAG but does not use it.
POWER sets the bit from information on the * $$ LST statement or from the default printer setup and uses it.
Type: bit 40 (decimal 64)
Default value: 0
On indicates not to use the 3800 burster.
AS/400 does not use this bit off and sets it to off.
JES2 sets the bit to the default value but does not use it.
JES3 if STACKER=C is specified on the JES3 //*FORMAT statement to indicate continuous forms stacking, sets the bit.
RSCS sets the bit if BURST=N is specified on the TAG command but does not use it.
POWER sets it from the *$$ LST statement or from the default printer setup and uses it.
Type: bit 20 (decimal 32)
Default value: 0
Indicates 3800 flash count number of data set copies to be flashed. If this field is not specified but NDHGFLSH is, all copies are flashed.
AS/400 does not use this bit and sets it to off.
JES2 and JES3 set and use this field from the job's JCL.
RSCS sets the field with the CP SPOOL command or overrides it with the CP TAG command. RSCS uses the flash count with the spool file.
POWER sets the field from information on the *$$ LST statement or from the default printer setup and uses the field.
Length, type, and range: 1 binary (0-255)
Default value: 0
Table reference character that specifies which of the four translate table entries to use when printing the copy modification.
AS/400 does not use this bit and sets it to off.
JES2 and JES3 get information from the job's JCL.
RSCS sets the field with the CP SPOOL command or overrides it with the MODTRC keyword on the TAG command and uses the field.
POWER sets the field from information on the *$$ LST statement or from the default printer setup and uses the field.
Length, type, and range: 1 binary (0-3)
Default value: 0
Name of the first translation table, which is an index to a font defined for a 3800 printer. By using different translate tables, you can use different character sets in one print output. You define the translate table to use in the record when you specify OPCTD=J. Only uses and sets the first four characters.
AS/400 sets and reads this field.
JES2 gets the name of the translate table from the job's JCL or JECL. If received, zeros or blanks indicate JES2 will default the table name to zero. For NDHATAB, if the field is set to *****, blanks, or zeros, JES2 uses the name specified in NDHGUCS.
JES3 sets the field to zeros.
RSCS uses this field and sets it by using the CHARS operand on the CP SPOOL command. Can override with the CHARS keyword on the TAG command.
POWER uses the field and sets it from the *$$ LST statement. For a 3800 SYSOUT data set, a value of X'00' indicates to use the hardware defaults. When a job originates on a non-POWER system (POWER section is not present), uses X'00' as a software default.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Name of the second translation table. Only uses and sets the first four characters.
AS/400 sets and reads this field.
JES2, JES3, and POWER See the individual product description is the NDHATAB1 field.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Name of the third translation table. Only uses and sets the first four characters.
AS/400 sets and reads this field.
JES2, JES3, and POWER See the individual product description in the NDHATAB1 field.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Name of the fourth translation table. Only uses and sets the first four characters.
AS/400 sets and reads this field.
JES2, JES3, and POWER See the individual product description in the NDHATAB1 field.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Flash cartridge identifier used to produce preprinted forms. Indicates to print this overlay on every page before it places the data in position. Only uses the first four bytes.
AS/400 sets the field to blanks and does not use it.
JES2 and JES3 set the field from the job's JCL or JECL and use it. If you do not specify a value when you send the job, gets set to zero. A value of NONE in the first four bytes indicates to perform no flashing, regardless of device or installation default.
RSCS sets the field from the CP flash name and uses it. Can override with the FLASH keyword on the TAG command.
POWER sets the field from the * $$ LST statement and uses it. For a 3800 SYSOUT data set, a value of X'00' denotes use of hardware defaults and X'40' denotes use of software defaults. When a job originates on a non-POWER system (POWER section is not present), uses X'00' as the software default.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Copy modification ID. Contains the name of a module placed on every page of the output data set when it prints. Only uses the first four bytes.
AS/400 does not use the field but sets it to blanks.
JES2 uses the field and sets it from information in the job's JCL or JECL. If you do not specify a value when you send the job, the copy modification ID is set to zero.
JES3 uses and sets the copy modification ID as specified in the job's JCL or JECL. The last four bytes are zeros. (If copy mod is not specified, the entire field consists of zeros).
RSCS uses and sets the field from the CP MOD name. It can be overridden by the MODIFY keyword on the TAG command.
POWER sets and uses this field from the *$$ LST statement. In the VSE/SP 3800, you can specify another character arrangement table to use for modification that you do not need to specify in the CHARS parameter. If you do this, POWER selects the first CHAR. For a 3800 SYSOUT data set, a value of X'00' denotes hardware defaults and X'40' denotes software defaults.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Identifies copy groups. Eight one-byte fields, which define the number of times each data set page gets copied when the data set gets sent to the 3800 printer.
First field refers to the first transmission, second to the second transmission, and so forth. In this case, does not use NDHGDSCT. Number of copy groups defined determines the number of transmissions. The sum of all copy groups or a single copy group cannot exceed 255.
AS/400 does not use the field and sets it to blanks.
RSCS uses the sum of all bytes as the CP copy count. Turns on the CP copy group flag. If the CP copy group flag is on, the CP copy count goes into the first byte. Can be overridden by the COPYG keyword on the TAG command.
POWER sets and uses the field from information specified on the * $$ LST statement or by a program.
Length, type, and range: 8*1 binary (0-255)
Default value: 0