Running hardware diagnostics

Use the BARR/CHANNEL-IN utility’s hardware diagnostics to verify that you have installed the channel adapter and hardware correctly and that they function properly. The steps for running hardware diagnostics vary depending on the type of hardware you are using. Complete the following steps, depending on your CHANNEL-IN hardware type.

You can only perform diagnostics on an adapter when no other program is using the adapter.

Windows 2000, Windows XP, and Windows Server 2003 users can also use Windows Device Manager to run hardware diagnostics.

See also:

Running hardware diagnostics for CHANNEL-IN (ES)

Use BARR/CHANNEL-IN to run hardware diagnostics to verify that you have installed the CHANNEL-IN (ES) adapter and fiber-optic cable A form of cable used in networks that transmits signals optically, rather than electrically as do coaxial and twisted-pair cable. correctly and that they function properly. To perform the self-test, you need the ESCON fiber-optic cable, ESCON coupler, and the ESCON loop plug.

Adapter diagnostics consist of a single self-test. Usually, you test the adapter and cable together. If the combined test fails, you can test the adapter separately by running the self-test again with the loop plug installed on the adapter, so you can isolate any errors.

If the self-test detects an error it immediately stops and posts an error message. Correct the error, and then repeat the test to confirm that there are no additional errors.

If the CHANNEL-IN (ES) adapter is already connected to your mainframe or an ESCON director, follow your mainframe procedures for disconnecting ESCON devices before you attempt this test.

Phase 1: Adapter and cable test

Phase 1 confirms that all connections are valid, the adapter drivers are valid, the adapter and its components are working, and the cable is working. Phase 1 proceeds as follows.

Complete the following steps to test the adapter and cable.

  1. Stop all connections, programs, or services using the CHANNEL-IN device driver.

  2. Connect the CHANNEL-IN (ES) fiber-optic cable to the adapter, attach the coupler to the cable, and then attach the loop plug to the coupler.

  3. Open the BARR/CHANNEL-IN utility.

  1. From the Diagnostics tab, select the adapter to test, and then click Start to begin the test. As the self-test runs, diagnostic status messages display. If Phase 1 reports an error, see the Adapter installation and settings errors topic for possible resolutions.

    Diagnostics Tab

Phase 2: Isolated adapter test

If Phase 1 (adapter and cable test) fails, run Phase 2 to isolate the error. Phase 2 tests only the adapter. If Phase 2 fails, the adapter is faulty. If Phase 2 passes after Phase 1 fails, the cable is faulty.

Complete the following steps to test the adapter.

  1. Disconnect To break a communications link. the ESCON fiber-optic cable from the adapter.

  2. Attach the ESCON loop plug to the adapter.

  3. Open the BARR/CHANNEL-IN utility.

  4. From the Diagnostics tab, click Start to begin the test.

    Diagnostics Tab

Running hardware diagnostics for CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE

Use BARR/CHANNEL-IN to run hardware diagnostics to verify that you have installed the CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE adapter and cable correctly and that they function properly. To perform the self-test, you need the test plugs, terminator plugs, and the CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE cable.

Running diagnostics will check the connections from the adapter to the CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE cable through the Bus & Tag lines. The CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE diagnostic testing confirms that all connections are valid, the adapter drivers are valid, the adapter and its components are working, and the cable is working. You can also test the mainframe channel cable, if the mainframe cable is included in the loop and no other channel devices are attached.

Phase 1: Adapter test

In Phase 1, the software locates the adapter and performs an internal adapter test. The test verifies correct operation of IRQ Acronym for interrupt request. The hardware line over which the processor and adapter communicate. and bus-master A device or subsystem that controls data transfers between itself and a slave. logic.

Complete the following steps to test the adapter.

  1. Stop all connections, programs, or services using the CHANNEL-IN device driver.

  2. Connect the adapter test plug to the adapter.

  1. Open the BARR/CHANNEL-IN utility.

  2. From the Diagnostics tab, select the adapter to test, and then click Start to begin the test. As the self-test runs, diagnostic status messages display. If Phase 1 reports an error, see the Adapter installation and settings errors topic for possible resolutions.

    Diagnostics Tab

Phase 2: Cable test

In Phase 2, the software tests the CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE cable and the Bus & Tag lines. Data received through Bus In is routed back through Bus Out by the bus test plug, and data received through Tag In is routed back through Tag Out by the tag test plug. The test verifies that the returned data matches the sent data.

Complete the following steps to test the cable.

  1. If you have not already done so, stop all connections, programs, or services using the CHANNEL-IN device driver.

  2. If the CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE adapter is online Activated and ready for operation; capable of communicating with or being controlled by a computer. with the mainframe, remove it from service. The channel must be isolated from the mainframe in accordance with the host's requirements. Typically this is performed by turning off a channel switch or varying offline Logically (or physically) disconnected and unable to communicate with the host computer. each channel device. These procedures vary from data center to data center. Follow the procedures required by the data center where the mainframe resides.

  3. If necessary, disconnect To break a communications link. the Bus & Tag cables from the CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE cable.

  1. Attach the Bus terminator and Tag terminator plugs A part that ends the cable path on a computer system. The terminator plug is attached to the last device in a series. to the white or gray BUS OUT and TAG OUT cable plugs. Attach the Bus & Tag test plugs to the black BUS IN and TAG IN cable plugs.

The test will fail if you install the test plugs incorrectly. The following photograph shows a CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE cable with the terminator and test plugs installed correctly.

  1. Verify that the CHANNEL INTELLIGENCE cable is securely fastened to the adapter.

  2. Open the BARR/CHANNEL-IN utility.

  3. From the Diagnostics tab, select the adapter to test, and then click Start to begin testing.

    Diagnostics Tab

Running hardware diagnostics for CHANNEL-IN (BT)

Use BARR/CHANNEL-IN to run hardware diagnostics to verify that you have installed the CHANNEL-IN (BT) adapter and CAB correctly and that they function properly. To perform the self-test, you need the adapter test plug and the CAB terminator and test plugs.

Adapter and CAB diagnostics consist of a single self-test. To test both pieces of hardware, you must run the self-test twice — each time with test plugs installed at a different location — so you can isolate any errors.

Always perform Phase 1 before you attempt Phase 2 or 3. If the problem is with the adapter, you can avoid running Phase 3, which requires you to disconnect To break a communications link. the CAB from the mainframe channel.

If the self-test detects an error, the test immediately stops and posts an error message. Correct the error, and then repeat the test to confirm that there are no additional errors.

Phase 1: Adapter test

Phase 1 confirms that all connections are valid, the adapter drivers are valid, and the adapter and its components are working. The software locates the adapter and performs an internal adapter test. The test verifies correct operation of DMA Acronym for Direct Memory Access. A technique for moving data directly between main storage and peripheral equipment without requiring the processing unit to process the data., IRQ Acronym for interrupt request. The hardware line over which the processor and adapter communicate., and bus-master A device or subsystem that controls data transfers between itself and a slave. logic.

Complete the following steps to test the adapter.

  1. Stop all connections, programs, or services using the CHANNEL-IN device driver.

  2. Connect the adapter test plug to the adapter.

  3. Open the BARR/CHANNEL-IN utility.

  1. From the Diagnostics tab, select the adapter to test, and then click Start to begin the test. As the self-test runs, diagnostic status messages display. If Phase 1 reports an error, see the Adapter installation and settings errors topic for possible resolutions.

    Diagnostics Tab

Phase 2: Cable test

Phase 2 confirms that the cable is working. The software verifies correct functioning of the cable by sending a data string through the adapter in a rotating pattern. The adapter test plug returns the data through the receive-side of the adapter. The test verifies that the returned data matches the sent data.

Complete the following steps to test the cable.

  1. If you have not already done so, stop all connections, programs, or services using the CHANNEL-IN device driver.

  2. Connect the CHANNEL-IN (BT) cable to the adapter and attach the test plug to the other end of the cable.

  1. Open the BARR/CHANNEL-IN utility.

  2. From the Diagnostics tab, select the adapter to test, and then click Start to begin the test.

    Diagnostics Tab

Phase 3: CAB installation and connections

Phase 3 verifies the connections from the adapter to the CAB through the Bus & Tag lines. Phase 3 confirms that all connections are valid, the adapter drivers are valid, the adapter and its components are working, the cable is working, and the CAB is working. This phase can also be used to test the mainframe channel cable if the mainframe cable is included in the loop and no other channel devices are attached. Phase 3 proceeds as follows.

Complete the following steps to test the CAB installation and connections.

  1. If the CAB is online Activated and ready for operation; capable of communicating with or being controlled by a computer. with the mainframe, remove it from service. Typically, you need to isolate the mainframe by turning off a channel switch or varying offline Logically (or physically) disconnected and unable to communicate with the host computer. each channel device. These procedures vary from data center to data center. Follow the procedures required by the data center where the mainframe resides. Phase 3 proceeds only if the self-test determines that the CAB is isolated from the channel.

  1. Verify that the CAB power supply is connected to an electrical outlet and that the ENABLE/DISABLE switch is set to ENABLE. The test will not pass unless the CAB has power and is enabled.

  2. Disconnect the Bus & Tag cables Cables used to connect devices to mainframe channels. The bus cable transmits data and the tag cable controls information on the bus. from the CAB. Then attach the terminator plugs Parts that end the cable paths on computer systems. The terminator plug is attached to the last device in a series. and test plugs. The test will fail if you install the test plugs incorrectly.

  1. Verify that the adapter is connected to the CAB. In Phase 2, you connected the adapter test plug to the adapter cable. For Phase 3, you need to remove the adapter test plug and reattach the BARR/CHANNEL-IN (BT) cable to the CAB.

  2. Open the BARR/CHANNEL-IN utility.

  3. From the Diagnostics tab, click Start to begin the test. As the self-test runs, diagnostic status messages display. If you encounter an error during this phase, contact Technical Support.

    Diagnostics Tab