Operator commands are a valuable management device. You can use commands to oversee job status and selectively release jobs for execution. The following is a quick overview of the most commonly used JES2 and VSE/POWER An S/390 operating systems program that simultaneously operates many readers, printers,and remote communications devices. remote commands.
For more information, see the z/OS JES2 Commands SA22-7526 document.
Starts the offload device.
OFFLOADn – The offload device (1-8) that is started.
TYPE=TRANSMIT – Specifies the offload device is used to transmit SYSOUT from the spool data set to the offload data set.
Starts the offload transmitter.
For example: $S OFF1.ST
OFFn – The number (1-8) of the corresponding offload device.
$T OFFLOADn,UNIT=/({devnum|/devnum|nnnn|cccccccc}),LABEL=xx,DSN=dsname
Specifies offload device characteristics.
OFFLOADn – The offload device that is affected by this command. The variable can specify a numeric value (1-8) or a range of values for offload devices defined by an OFFLOADn initialization statement.
devnum|/devnum – Specifies a 3-digit or 4-digit hexadecimal device number. A slash (/) must precede a 4-digit device number.
nnnn – Specifies a device type.
cccccccc – Specifies a 1 to 8 character group name assigned to the device or group of devices that are to receive non-cataloged spool offload data sets.
LABEL=xx – The type of label processing required for the tape that is allocated for a non-cataloged spool offload data set. The valid types and their meanings are:
BLP – Bypass label processing
NL – No label
SL – IBM standard label
DSN=dsname – The 1 to 44 character offload data set and member name. The use of a generation data set (GDG) or a Partitioned Data Set (PDS) is not supported for this parameter.
$T OFFn.ST,Queue=queue,Routecde=routecde,WS=ws
Specifies the work selection and processing characteristics of the indicated offload SYSOUT transmitters.
For example: $T OFF1.ST,Queue=A,Routecde=U1000,WS=(Q,OUTD)
OFFn – The offload transmitters that are affected by this command. The variable can specify a numeric value (1-8) or a range of values associating offload SYSOUT transmitters with offload devices.
Queue=queue – The only SYSOUT classes (A-Z, 0-9) that this device selects, if Queue is also specified in the WS= list. You may specify up to 15 classes. If the SYSOUT class is not a criterion for output selection, specify a null parameter of (Queue=) and do not specify Queue in the WS= list.
Routecde=routecde – Specifies the one to four destination selection criteria for which output can be selected. If more than one route code is specified, enclose the list in parentheses. The value for all routing numbers can range from 1 to 32767. You can also specify wildcards on this parameter.
WS=ws – Specifies the work selection criteria for this device. Using any combination of user and JES2-defined criteria, you can specify up to 19 criteria in the WS= list. The list must be enclosed in parentheses and multiple entries must be separated by commas. If a criterion is specified in the list, work selection is based on the current setting of the corresponding parameter. If a criterion is not specified in the list, the criterion is not considered during work selection.
For more information, see the VSE/POWER V5R1 Administration and Operation SC33-6571 document.
POFFLOAD SAVE,LST,tapeaddr,,class
Saves the queue entries of the class to the tape drive at the address specified.
For example: POFFLOAD SAVE,LST,590,,A
tapeaddr – Specifies the tape address.
class – Specifies the class. You may specify up to four classes. If no class is specified, class A is the default.