Configuring the view

The BARR/Web Interface window allows you to switch between a spool view and a retain view. The spool view displays the documents in the spool folder and the spool printers. The retain view only displays the documents saved to the retain folder, the spool printers are hidden. The columns in the spool view display document and printer attributes. The same attribute columns display for the spool printer and document lists. The columns in the retain view only display document attributes. You can customize both views by adding and removing columns, changing the order in which columns display and filtering the documents on values. In the spool view, you can also show or hide designated spool printers.

See also:

Selecting the spool/retain view

The BARR/Web Interface window allows you to switch between a spool view, which displays the documents in the spool folder and the spool printers, and a retain view, which displays the documents saved to the retain folder. Use the following procedures to toggle the view.

Adding and removing columns

Add and remove columns in the BARR/Web Interface window by editing the Config.xml file. The file is located on the Web service computer in the C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\BepsWebService folder. Adding and removing entries in the file will add and remove columns on all clients connected to the Web service. To change the column display per client, you will also need to update the SpoolWindow.jnlp file (see the Configuring views for multiple clients help topic).

The following is an example of your default Config.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<host Name="Dell" ComputerOrIpAddress="TESTPC" Port="6789" />
<field Name="Printer"       NJE="BARR__PRINT" Width="20" ReadOnly="1" Align="0" />
<field Name="Document"      NJE="BARR__NAME" Width="20" ReadOnly="1" Align="0" />
<field Name="State"         NJE="BARR__STATE" Width="10" ReadOnly="1" Align="0" />
<field Name="Dest. device"  NJE="NDHGRMT" Width="10" ReadOnly="0" Align="0" />
<field Name="Form name"     NJE="NDHGFORM" Width="10" ReadOnly="0" Align="0" />
<field Name="Class"         NJE="NDHGCLAS" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="1" />
<field Name="Priority"      NJE="NJHGPRIO" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="2" />
<field Name="Copies"        NJE="NJHGJCPY" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="2" />
<field Name="Data set copies"  NJE="NDHGDSCT" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="2" />
<field Name="Size"          NJE="BARR__SIZE" Width="10" ReadOnly="1" Align="2" />
<field Name="Date"          NJE="BARR__DATE" Width="20" ReadOnly="1" Align="0" />
<field Name="FCB name"      NJE="NDHGFCB" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="0" />



field Name

The name of the column.


The header field name.


The width of the column.


Specifies if the column will be read only. Enter 0 if you want the column to be editable. Enter 1 if you want the column to be read only.


Specifies the column alignment. Enter 0 for left, 1 for center, and 2 for right justification.

You can access the complete list of fields from the Barr Enterprise Print Server Spool Window. On the Spool Window menu bar, select View | Format Columns.

Configuring views for multiple clients

You can control the columns that display in the BARR/Web Interface window using the Config.xml and SpoolWindow.jnlp files. By default, all clients are configured to view the same columns. To maintain the same display on all clients, simply update the Config.xml to add and remove the necessary columns. It is possible for different clients to have different views of the same data. To set up a view for an alternate client, complete the following steps to update the SpoolWindow.jnlp file. In the steps, newclient is used to refer to the alternate client.

  1. Navigate to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BEPS folder.

  2. Copy start.html to newclient.html, copy spoolwindow.jnlp to newclient.jnlp.

  3. Edit the newclient.html file and change the following HREF:

From: <a href="http://yourwebserver/Beps/spoolwindow.jnlp">

To: <a href="http:// yourwebserver//Beps/newclient.jnlp">

  1. Edit the newclient.jnlp file, and put the appropriate filters at the bottom of the parameter list. See the following example.

<param name="DisplayFilters" value="<param col=′NDHGRMT′ val=′DLA′/>" />
<param name="PrinterFilters" value="<param col=′NDHGRMT′ val=′DLA′/>" />
<param name="Display" value="BARR__PRINT(00),BARR__NAME(00),NDHGCLAS(01)" />

DisplayFilters - Lists only the data sets that match the specified filters. In this example, the new client will only see the DLA data sets.

PrinterFilters - Lists only the printers that match the specified filters. In this example, the new client will only see the DLA printers.

Display - Lists the NJE fields to display as columns. Note, a comma is used to separate each field name. For fields to display, they must also be present in the config.xml file.

You can also configure columns to be editable or read-only. This is controlled by specifying a value in parenthesis after the column name. The first digit controls the printer area and the second digit controls the document area. A 0 indicates the column is editable and a 1 indicates the column is read-only, in the designated area. The default for each column is (00), editable in both areas. Notice in the example the NDHGCLAS column shows a display value of (01). This indicates NDHGCLAS is configured to be editable in the printer area and read-only in the document area. When columns are configured to be read-only, the column appears shaded in a darker gray color.

  1. Test newclient.html to verify it is working correctly.

  2. E-mail the newclient.html link to the appropriate users.

Changing the column order

You can customize the view of the BARR/Web Interface window by changing the order in which the columns display. To do this, click the column heading you want to move and drag the column to its new location. For the spool view, this will move both the printer and document columns. This custom view is not saved. If you close, then reopen the window, the column order will be restored to that of the Config.xml file located on the Web service computer.

Filtering documents from the window

You can customize the view of the documents by filtering on values. This is useful when trying to quickly find documents in the BARR/Web Interface window. You must restore the view for normal operation.

You can use filters to view only the documents that meet conditions you specify. You can filter documents based on the document name, or apply a custom filter based on the column and column value. For example, if you filter the Class column on value A, only documents with a class value of A will display in the window. All of the other documents still exist and can be seen again by removing the filter. You can apply an unlimited number of filters to the view. To remove the filter and restore the view, on the menu bar, select View | Clear Filters.

To filter by document name

  1. On the menu bar, select View | Filter by Document Name. The Filter by Document Name dialog box displays.

  2. In the Document Name box, type the text you want filtered. For example, if you enter 88, all document names containing 88 would display. If you enter ^88, all document names starting with 88 would display.

  3. Click OK to apply the filter and return to the BARR/Web Interface. The status bar displays the word Filtered.

  4. To remove the filter and restore the view, on the menu bar, select View | Clear Filters.

To use custom filters

  1. On the menu bar, select View | Custom Filter. The Custom Filter dialog box displays.

    Custom Filter Dialog Box

  2. From the Column name drop-down list, select the column you want filtered.

  3. Under Value, select a value from the list or type a value in the box.

  4. Click the arrow (>) to add the column and value to the Filters list. To remove a filter, select the filter in the Filters list and click the arrow (<). You can also add and remove filters by double-clicking entries in the Value and Filters lists. To remove all filters, click Clear All.

  5. When you finish creating your filters list, click OK to apply the filters and return to the BARR/Web Interface. The status bar displays the word Filtered.

  6. To remove the filter and restore the view, on the menu bar, select View | Clear Filters.

Changing the viewing order

You can customize the view of the documents in the BARR/Web Interface window by editing the Config.xml file located on the Web service computer. This is useful when trying to quickly find documents in the Spool Window.

Adding and removing sort criteria in the Config.xml file will affect all BARR/Web Interface clients connected to the Web service. The view will not affect the print sort order.

SYSIN jobs: When sorting, all SYSIN jobs will stay intact and in sequential order, and the sort criteria is based only on the first data set in the job.

To add sort criteria, add header fields to the Sort parameter shown in bold in the following Config.xml example. Sort processing will ignore any fields not in the BARR/Web Interface field list.

To remove sort criteria, remove fields from the Sort parameter in the Config.xml file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<host Name="Dell" ComputerOrIpAddress="TESTPC" Port="6789"

SpoolUncPath="\\TESTPC\Spool" RetainUncPath="\\TESTPC\Retain" />
<field Name="Printer"       NJE="BARR__PRINT" Width="20" ReadOnly="1" Align="0" />
<field Name="Document"      NJE="BARR__NAME" Width="20" ReadOnly="1" Align="0" />
<field Name="State"         NJE="BARR__STATE" Width="10" ReadOnly="1" Align="0" />
<field Name="Dest. device"  NJE="NDHGRMT" Width="10" ReadOnly="0" Align="0" />
<field Name="Form name"     NJE="NDHGFORM" Width="10" ReadOnly="0" Align="0" />
<field Name="Class"         NJE="NDHGCLAS" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="1" />
<field Name="Priority"      NJE="NJHGPRIO" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="2" />
<field Name="Copies"        NJE="NJHGJCPY" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="2" />
<field Name="Data set copies"  NJE="NDHGDSCT" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="2" />
<field Name="Size"          NJE="BARR__SIZE" Width="10" ReadOnly="1" Align="2" />
<field Name="Date"          NJE="BARR__DATE" Width="20" ReadOnly="1" Align="0" />
<field Name="FCB name"      NJE="NDHGFCB" Width="5" ReadOnly="0" Align="0" />

Showing or hiding spool printers

From the BARR/Web Interface spool view, you can show or hide designated printers. Printers that can be hidden will display a darker shade of gray in the Printer column. If a document is being routed to or is intended to be routed to a hidden printer, the Printer column for the document will also appear in a darker gray shading. When printers are hidden from the view, the status bar displays a message that gives the number of hidden printers.

You can only hide printers that have the Printer can be hidden option enabled on the Configuration Utility's Advanced Printer Options dialog box. To perform these tasks, you must be assigned the Printer - Show All user access rights. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.

Use the Printer | Hide Printers option on the menu bar to show or hide printers. A check mark appears next to the menu item when printers are hidden.

Configuring the Input Status toolbar

The BARR/Web Interface window displays an Input Status toolbar which provides a way to easily view the status of each Barr Enterprise Print Server input. Only the modules you have purchased will display on the toolbar.

You can configure the toolbar to become interactive. Once configured, clicking a toolbar input button displays a dialog box with additional status information and buttons that allow you to quickly start or stop the associated service. Complete the following steps to configure the toolbar.

  1. Navigate to the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\BEPS folder.

  2. Open the spoolwindow.jnlp file.

  1. Place the following in the list of parameters.

<param name="ServiceStatus" value="1" />

  1. Open the BARR/Web Interface window and click an Input Status toolbar button to verify it is working correctly.