Data set header 3800 section

For 3800 printer output. Has an identifier field of X’00’ and a modifier field of X’80’.


Length and type: 1 byte

Default value: 0

Contains these bits:

NDHAF1J (80 bit in NDHAFLG1)

  1. On for all virtual 3800 files. Any virtual 3800 file has TRC bytes inserted (in all records except those representing CCWs for intermediate operations and all spanned records). Removes select CAT CCWs in these files.

On means incoming file is changed to a virtual 3800 print file.

  1. Off for non-3800 files unless OPTCD=J is specified on the TAG command.

  2. POWER sets and uses this flag when a Spool Access Support user indicates that the first character is a TRC.

Type: bit 80 (decimal 128)

Default value: 0

You can also use an internal 0xFE channel command to turn on TRC processing for 3800 printers.

NDHAF1BR (40 bit in NDHAFLG1)

Type: bit 40 (decimal 64)

Default value: 0

NDHAF1BN (20 bit in NDHAFLG1)

Type: bit 20 (decimal 32)

Default value: 0

NDHAFLCT - flash count

Length, type, and range: 1 binary (0-255)

Default value: 0


Length, type, and range: 1 binary (0-3)

Default value: 0

NDHATAB1 - transition table #1 name

Length and type: 8 character

Default value: blanks


Length and type: 8 character

Default value: blanks


Length and type: 8 character

Default value: blanks


Length and type: 8 character

Default value: blanks


Length and type: 8 character

Default value: blanks


Length and type: 8 character

Default value: blanks


Length, type, and range: 8*1 binary (0-255)

Default value: 0