Applies to the SYSOUT from all products. Has an identifier field of X'00' and a modifier field of X'00'.
NDHGNODE - Destination node
NDHGRMT - User ID, remote workstation, printer ID
NDHGPROC - JCL procedure
NDHGSTEP - Step name
NDHGNREC - Number of records
NDHGFLG1 - Spin data set flag
NDHGF1SP - Spin data set
NDHGF1HD - Destination node holds data set
NDHGF1LG - Job log indicator
NDHGF1OV - Page overflow indicator
NDHGF1IN - Interpreter feature for punched
NDHGF1ST - Job log contains statistics
NDHGF1DF - Interpret bit off or on
NDHGRCFM - Record format
NDHGLREC - Maximum logical record length
NDHGDSCT - Data set copies
NDHGLNCT - Default lines per page
NDHGFORM - Form name
NDHGUCS - UCS Acronym for Universal Character Set. Some printers require loading a UCS buffer to match the print train or band installed. name
NDHGXWTR - External writer
NDHGNAME - Data set name
NDHGFLG2 - Printing flag
NDHGF2PR - AS/400 sets and uses for print files
NDHGF2PU - Punch data set
NDHGF2HB - Hold before processing
NDHGF2HA - Hold after processing
NDHGUCSO - UCS options
NDHGUCSD - Block data set
NDHGPMDE - Process mode
NDHGSEGN - Segment number
Data set's destination node. This field is set by hosts at execution time from NJHGPRTN or NJHGPUNN.
AS/400 sets and uses this field as the data set's destination address.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: none
Contains the destination device that can be the destination user ID, remote workstation, or printer identifier. You can set this field at execution time from NJHGPRTR or NJHGPUNR.
AS/400 sets and uses this field as a destination user ID. If the received user ID is blanks or zeros, this product substitutes SYSTEM as the destination user ID.
JES2 and JES3 use this field for the TSO/E TRANSMIT and RECEIVE commands. If this field and the NDHGXWTR field match, this field is used as the TSO destination user ID.
RSCS sets the field to the destination user ID or printer (or X'00' when SYSTEM is the destination).
POWER uses the field to route the job to a remote workstation, user ID, or program.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
JCL procedure executing when the data set was created.
AS/400 For print files, the program sets this field to the originating user ID and uses it for the spooled file user data information. For punch files, the program sets this field from the database file member name and uses it as the database file's member name.
RSCS sets the field from FILENAME information. RSCS does not use this field.
POWER sets the field to the default and does not use it.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Step name executing when the data set was created.
AS/400 sets this field from and uses it for the spooled file name for print files. Sets this field to the database file name for punch files.
RSCS does not use the field but sets it from FILETYPE AND RANGE information.
POWER does not use the field but sets it to the default.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
DDNAME that referenced the data set when it was created.
AS/400 does not use this field but sets it to the default value.
JES3 uses the NJHGROOM value as a DDNAME if the field is blank or zero on input. If NJHGROOM is blank, JES3 uses a default DDNAME of NJEWKnn where nn is an internal index value.
RSCS and POWER do not use the field and set it to the default value.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
You cannot group data sets (output group printing) when using this field as a part of your sort criteria.
Counter incremented each time you allocate a SYSOUT data set in the same job. Maintains unique data sets while allowing them to be spun off.
AS/400 does not use this field but sets it to 1.
JES2 ignores this field on input if it is less than or equal to 100. Sets it from the PDBDSKEY field if less than 32768. If larger than 32767, sets this field to zero. JES2 has no internal limit to this number. The converter has storage limitations of 4,096 data sets in one job.
JES3, RSCS, and POWER do not use the field but set it to the default.
Length and type: 2 binary
Default value: 0
Job's SYSOUT class.
AS/400 does not use this field but sets it from the CLASS parameter on the SNDNETF and SNDNETSPLF commands.
JES2 sets the SYSOUT class to A if the class specified in the job's JCL is not alphanumeric. If a conflict exists, JES2 uses a default class for the appropriate job.
RSCS uses the field for the VM output class and sets it from this class unless overridden by the SYSOUT keyword on the TAG command.
POWER sets the SYSOUT class to the output class. POWER version 4.1.2 supports numeric classes for output. For previous POWER versions, only A-Z are valid (set to A if not in the range A-Z when received).
Length, type, and range: 1 character (A-Z, 0-9)
Default value: A
Count of the number of records in the data set.
AS/400 does not use this field, but sets it.
JES2 uses this field as the line count of the data set. A spanned record counts as 1, regardless of the number of segments.
JES3 does not use this field but sets the number of records in the data set.
RSCS uses the information in a message to the user and sets the field from the record count in the spool file block.
POWER sets and uses the field as the line count.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Flag byte.
Length and type: 1 byte
Default value: 0
Contains these bits:
NDHGF1SP - Spin data set
NDHGF1HD - Destination node holds data set
NDHGF1LG - Job log indicator
NDHGF1OV - Page overflow indicator
NDHGF1IN - Interpreter feature for punched
NDHGF1LC - NDHGLNCT field contains information
NDHGF1ST - Job log contains statistics
NDHGF1DF - Interpret bit off or on
Spin data set flag.
AS/400 does not use this bit and sets it to off.
JES2 sets the bit from information in the job's JCL. Sometimes sets the bit for the TSO/E TRANSMIT and RECEIVE commands according to the data set disposition.
JES3 does not use this bit but sets it for spin data set generated by the TSO/E TRANSMIT and RECEIVE commands according to the data set disposition.
RSCS uses the bit to separate data sets into individual spool files, but does not set this bit.
POWER sets the bit for segmented data sets that use the bit to find the job number. If the flag is on, the job number gets set from the job header (NJHGJID), otherwise, it assigns a new job number.
Type: bit 80
Default value: 0
Indicates if the destination node holds the data set.
AS/400 sets and reads the bit to determine whether to hold the print file before printing.
JES2 sets the bit from information in the JCL. Uses the bit to place the data set on the system output hold queue.
JES3 sets and uses the bit to put the data set on the system output hold queue.
RSCS uses the bit to tell the destination node to hold the data set. The originator sets the bit on the TAG command with the HOLD keyword.
POWER uses and sets the bit if the data set disposition is H or L.
Type: bit 40
Default value: 0
Job log indicator bit.
AS/400, JES3, RSCS, and POWER do not use this bit and set it to the default value.
JES2 uses the bit to specify the data set is the JES2 job log.
Type: bit 20
Default value: 0
Page overflow indicator. If the bit is off, the printer starts at the top of each page. If the bit is on, the data set can print over the page fold.
AS/400 does not use this bit but sets it on for print files.
JES2 and RSCS do not use the bit but set it with the default value.
JES3 sets the bit if you specified OVFL=OFF on the //*FORMAT statement in the job's JCL. JES3 uses the bit as described.
POWER does not set the field but uses it.
Type: bit 10
Default value: 0
For more about this field, see the NDHGF1DF field (01 bit).
Uses the interpreter feature for punched output if output is punched on a device with an installed interpreter feature.
AS/400, RSCS, and POWER set this bit to the default value but do not use it.
JES2 and JES3 use information from the job's JCL to set the bit.
Type: bit 8
Default value: 0
If this bit is on, the NDHGLNCT field (offset X'3A') contains information.
AS/400 does not use the bit but sets it on for print files.
JES2 uses and sets the bit if field NDHGF1LC is set to on.
JES3, RSCS, and POWER do not use this bit but set it to the default value.
Type: bit 4
Default value: 0
The job log data set contains statistics for the job if this bit is on.
AS/400 does not use this bit and sets it to off.
JES2 uses this bit to avoid multiple job statistics in the job log.
JES3, RSCS, and POWER do not use the bit but set it to the default value.
Type: bit 2
Default value: 0
Indicates whether the interpret bit (NDHGF1IN) was set off (1) or on (0). Uses NDHGF1DF with the NDHGF1IN bit as follows:
0 0 |
use default |
1 0 |
interpret |
0 1 |
do not interpret |
1 1 |
interpret |
AS/400 sets this bit to the default but does not use it.
JES2, RSCS, and POWER set this bit to the default and do not use it.
Type: bit 1
Default value: 0
The 80 40 pair specifies the data set's record format.
11xx xxxx |
Undefined format |
10xx xxxx |
Fixed format |
01xx xxxx |
Variable format |
AS/400 For print files, sets either variable or fixed format (bits 1 and 1). For punch files, sets this field to X'80'.
JES2 uses the RECFM in the DCB specified in the job's JCL to set the field. The DCB defines other settings not defined by this field. JES2 allows all flag settings and transmits them across the network.
JES3 does not use this field.
RSCS sets this field to X'42' for print files and X'80' for punch files. For print files, it uses this field to decide what record length to use in determining whether to make an incoming file a virtual 1403 file or a 3211 file. (For more details, see the NDHGLREC field.)
For punch files, this field is used with NDHGLREC to determine the proper record length to use in detecting files containing punch records greater than 80 characters. Also used to determine whether to forward punch records of a store-and-forward file with or without carriage control.
RSCS modifies this field for certain Type and Ranges of store-and-forward data when RSCS acts as an intermediate node An NJE node situated between an origin node and a destination node. See node. For Version 3.1, this restriction is removed.
POWER does not use this field, but sets it to X'Cx' (undefined) and supports values of the field.
The 04 02 pair specifies the control characters used in the data set.
xxxx x00x |
no carriage control |
xxxx x10x |
ASA control characters |
xxxx x01x |
machine control characters |
xxxx x11x |
MODCA or AFPDS print files |
AS/400 For print files, sets carriage control to ASA, machine, or none (bits 5 and 6 off) and sets MODCA or AFPDS print files (bits 5 and 6 on). For punch files, sets to X'80',
JES2 uses the RECFM in the DCB specified in the job's JCL to set the field.
JES3 sets the carriage control to ASA, machine, or none (5 and 6 off). Uses only carriage control bits on input.
RSCS sets this field to X'42' for print files and X'80' for punch files. For punch files, this field determines whether to forward punch records of store-and-forward data when RSCS acts as an intermediate node. For Version 3.1, this last restriction is removed.
POWER does not used this field but sets it to X'Cx' (undefined). At store-and-forward nodes, files with ASA carriage control do not get the CC converted to machine carriage control.
Length and type: .5 binary
Default value: 0
Maximum logical record length (LRECL) of any record in the data set. It includes the carriage control character if specified for the data set.
AS/400 sets the field as follows:
X'80' for punch files. When the AS/400 receives punch files with records greater than 80 bytes, it truncates the records at the destination nodes.
X'32,760' for AFPDS print files before Version 2.1.
The maximum record length of all records in the file for AFPDS, LINE, and FPDSLINE files in Version 2.1 and all subsequent releases. AS/400 records the longest record in the file when it is first spooled.
X'4079' or X'512' for all SCS, IPDS, and ASCII files.
S/390 does NOT support these file Type and Ranges; route these through a S/390 only to get the final AS/400 destination.
JES2 gets the LRECL from the DCB. Includes the carriage control character.
JES3 uses the field if it is not zero. JES3 sets the field according to the Type and Range of data set and the presence of carriage control as follows:
Print with CC 133 (132 without CC)
Punch with CC 81 (80 without CC)
RSCS uses this field as follows:
For incoming print files, this field determines whether the files are defined as 1403, 3211, or 3800 files.
Record Length Device |
1 - 132 |
403 |
133 - 150 |
3211 |
151 - 204 |
3800 |
205 - 32765 |
VAFP (if supported on a VM system) |
Punch records greater than 80 (greater than 81 with carriage control) get truncated at the destination node. In the setting field, RSCS gets the LRECL from TAGRECLN (with one added to each record to account for the CCTL byte) as follows:
For punch files, this field is set to 80.
Virtual 3800 fields that contain any load CCWs have this field set to 8192 (regardless of the actual maximum record length in the file).
RSCS does not modify this field as an intermediate node.
POWER uses the field and sets it to the maximum length of any record in the data set up to a maximum record length of 32K-1.
Length, type, and range: 2 binary (0-32760)
Default value: 0
The data set copy count. This field defines the number of copies to print or punch at the destination node and will be used if the data set is printed on an impact printer. If it is printed on a non-impact printer, the copy group count is used.
AS/40 sets this field:
to 0 for punch files
to the number of copies left to print, then reads this field to determine the total number of copies for print files.
JES2 sets the data set copy count to the number of copies for the data set.
JES3 sets and uses the data set copy count. If the value in the field is 0, one copy of the data set is produced.
RSCS sets the field from the copy count specified on the SPOOL command. RSCS uses the field to set the spool copy count.
POWER sets the field with the information supplied from the COPY parameter of the '* $$ LST' or '* $$ PUN' statement. It is used as the copy count (defaulted to 1).
Length, type, and range: 1 binary (0-225)
Default value: 0
Used as an index byte if loading the FCB on a 3211. Allows the user to print each line with the data shifted right or left by up to 31 characters. A negative value indicates left indexing, which removes data characters. A positive value indicates right indexing, which adds leading blanks.
AS/400 sets this field to the default value but does not use it.
JES2 supports right and left indexing.
JES3 and POWER set this field to the default value but do not use it.
RSCS does not use the field. Set from the INDEX keyword on the TAG statement. (You can only specify positive values.)
Length, type, and range: 1 binary (-31 to 31)
Default value: 0
Default lines per page for SYSOUT files. Use this field only when the NDHGF1LC field (offset X'1') is on. A value of X'00' or X'FF' causes the system not to count lines or use a local default value, depending on the system. Treats all other values as an explicit number of lines on a page before the printing subsystem generates a page eject.
AS/400 sets this field to the default value but does not use it.
JES2 obtains the value from the job's JCL. The special values X'00' and X'FF' are used as follows:
X'00' (default): Use the printing subsystem's default value.
X'FF' Do not force page ejects. Let the skipping be determined by the carriage control (if present) in the SYSOUT data.
JES3, RSCS, and POWER set this field to the default value but do not use it.
Length and type: 1 binary
Default value: 0
Name of the form to use while printing or punching the data set.
AS/400 sets this field to blanks if the AS/400 form Type and Range is greater than 8 characters or *STD. In other cases, it sets the field equal to AS/400.
JES2 and JES3 use the first four bytes followed by blanks. They set forms to zero if not specified. If received, either zero or blanks indicate the STD forms.
RSCS sets the field with the value supplied by CP FORM unless the value supplied by TAG overrides it. Only sets the default when the CP SPOOL command specifies NULL for the FORM name. Used for the CP FORM when not defaulted. When the header field contains the default (blanks), the CP FORM name gets set to the installation's default.
POWER uses only the first four bytes because POWER uses four-character form names. For a 3800 SYSOUT data set, a value of X'00' indicates to use hardware defaults and a value of X'40' indicates to use software defaults. When the job originates on a non-POWER system (POWER section is missing), uses X'00' as the software default.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
If the input value is the variable FOLDER, then the assigned value is the last folder name, immediately preceding the file name.
Name of the FCB to use if this data gets printed.
AS/400 sets the field to blanks for print files and then reads the field to find the printer file name to open to spool the files.
JES2 uses only the first four bytes followed by blanks. Sets FCB to zero if not specified. If received, either zero or blanks indicate that the default FCB (**** ) is desired. The first four bytes are prefixed as follows:
'FCB1' 1403
'FCB2' 3211 and 3202-5
'FCB3' 3800
'FCB4' 4245 and 4248
JES3 sets and uses the field but the default is zero.
RSCS uses this field for the FCB for a spool file. Set from FCB on the SPOOL command. Only uses the first four characters. The CP TAG command (up to eight characters) can override the field.
POWER uses the field as the FCB name. Sets the field from the FCB name if one was specified. Can set the last four characters to '$$$$' for device-independence. For a 3800 data set, a value of X'00' indicates to use hardware defaults. When the job originates from a non-POWER system (POWER section was not present), uses X'00' as the software default.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Name of the UCS, known as the print train, to use to print this data set.
AS/400 sets the field to blanks for print files and does not use it.
JES2 and JES3 use only the first four bytes followed by blanks. Sets USC to zero if not specified. If received, either zero or blanks indicate the default UCS (**** ) is desired. Uses NDHATAB1 if UCS is specified as "****", blanks, or zeros. JES2 prefixes the first four bytes as follows:
'USC1' 1403
'USC2' 3211
'USC3' 3203-5
'USC5' 4245
'USC6' 3262-5 AND 4248
RSCS does not use the field. RSCS sets the field with the value specified on the UCS keyword in TAG.
POWER sets the field with the UCS name specified on the *$$ LST statement.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Name of the external writer that will process the data set. If this field equals the NDHGRMT field, this field is also set and used by the TSO/E TRANSMIT, RECEIVE, and CMS SENDFILE commands to allow files to be sent to individual MVS users.
AS/400 sets the field equal to NDHGRMT but does not use it.
JES2 and JES3 set the field to the name of the external writer. Sets a default of zero. Accepts either zero or blanks as defaults for input.
RSCS does not use this field but sets it to the value specified on the EXTWRT keyword if it is specified on the TAB statement.
POWER does not use the field but sets it to the external writer name specified on the DEST parameter.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Data set name qualifier specified by the user or generated by the system and associated with the data set at the creation node.
AS/400 sets this field to the default value but does not use it.
JES2 and JES3 set this field from the DSNAME = keyword on the DD JCL statement or default it to a single question mark. Used to construct a resource name associated with this data set for resource access authorization.
RSCS sets this field to the default and does not use it.
POWER sets this field to the default and does not use it.
Length, type, and range: 8 character (A-Z, 0-9)
Default value: blanks
If the input value is the variable FILENAME, then the assigned value is the name of the file you are submitting to the spool.
Flag byte. Bit on indicates to print the data set.
Length and type: 1 byte
Default value: 0
Contains these bits:
NDHGF2PR - AS/400 sets and uses for print files
NDHGF2PU - Punch data set
NDHGF2HB - Hold before processing
NDHGF2HA - Hold after processing
AS/400 sets and uses this bit for print files.
JES2 does not use the bit, but sets it if the output class is a print class at the output execution node An NJE node that is intended as the destination for print output or jobs. Synonymous with destination node. See node.
JES3 uses this bit to indicate print output. If there is print output, JES3 sets this bit.
RSCS sets the bit if the input file is a print file. Uses it to cause the data set to spool to a printer.
POWER uses the bit to indicate print output. Sets the bit if the input file is a print file.
Type: bit 80
Default value: 0
On indicates data set is to be punched.
AS/400 sets and uses this bit for punch files.
JES2 does not use the bit, but sets the bit if the output class is a punch class at the output execution node.
JES3 uses this bit to indicate punch output. If there is punch output, JES3 sets this bit.
RSCS uses the bit to spool output to a punch device. RSCS sets the bit if the input file is a punch file.
POWER uses the bit to denote punch output. If there is punch output, POWER sets this bit.
Type: bit 40
Default value: 0
On indicates to take FILENAME and FILETYPE AND RANGE from the NDHGPROC and NDHGSTEP fields respectively.
AS/400 does not use the bit, but sets it on.
JES2 and JES3 set the bit to the default but do not use it.
RSCS uses the bit to take FILENAME and FILETYPE AND RANGE from the NDHGPROC and NDHGSTEP fields respectively.
POWER does not use the bit and sets it to the default.
Type: bit 20
Default value: 0
On indicates to hold the data set before processing.
AS/400 does not use it but sets this field to the default value.
JES2 sets this bit when the output disposition is HOLD or LEAVE.
JES3, RSCS, and POWER do not set or use this field.
Type: bit 10
Default value: 0
On indicates to hold the data set after processing.
AS/400 sets this field to the default value but does not use it.
JES2 sets this bit when the output disposition is KEEP or LEAVE. JES2 also sets flag NDHGF1HD to hold the data set at nodes that do not support output dispositions when this bit is on.
JES3, RSCS, and POWER do not set or use this field.
Type: bit 8
Default value: 0
UCS option byte.
Length and type: 1 byte
Default value: 0
Contains these bits:
On indicates the UCS is loaded with the block data check option.
AS/400, JEST2, and RSCS set this bit to the default value but do not use it. (JES2 always blocks data checks.)
Type: bit 80
Default value: 0
On indicates the UGS is loaded with the FOLD option.
AS/400 sets to the default value but does not use it.
JES2, JES3, and RSCS sets to the default value but does not use it. If bit X'40' of the first byte (0) is on in the UCS image, JES2 loads the FOLD option on a character set.
Type: bit 40
Default value: 0
Process mode for the data set you specify. Does not necessarily imply presence of a particular Type and Range of record; it only indicates a request for the preferred Type and Range of output processing. Used for SYSOUT selection and scheduling. The IBM-defined process modes are as follows:
AS/400 sets this field to appropriate process mode depending on AS/400 devType and Range, igcdta, and igcosi. If these settings are not appropriate, sets the field to blanks. See OPTB for PRMODE. See key 0018 for other values when these are not appropriate.
JES2 and JES3 set the field from the PRMODE keyword on the OUTPUT JCL statement. If PRMODE is not specified, examines the data to determine process mode.
RSCS moves this field into an XAB and sets it from an XAB (if it exists) for VM/PSF. For Version 3.1, RSCS sets this field from the PRMODE= tag parameter.
POWER sets this field from the PRMODE operand on a JECL statement.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Segment number of a segmented data set.
AS/400 does not set or read this field.
JES2 sets this field if the segment number is less than or equal to 99999. Uses this number on the default separator page.
JES3 and POWER do not set or read this field.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0