Additional information about received data sets. Fields in this custom section are maintained by the Barr software. The Internal Custom Section is identified by these values: Major type = X’E6’, Modifier =0, and Code value = X’42415252’.
NDHBDTYP - Data type
NDHBODCO - Output DCO chain
NDHBSTYP - Destination stream type
NDHBCPAG - Code translation page
NDHBDNAM - Printer driver name
NDHBFHLD - Hold data set
NDHBNORD - Do not retain data set
NDHBDOCDEL - Doc. Delete
NDHBDOCCOP - Doc. Copy Count
NDHBDOCMOD - Doc. Modify
NDHBDOCPRG - Doc. Page Range
NDHBDOCPRI - Doc. Priority
NDHBRETDEL - Retained Doc. Delete
NDHBRETRST - Retained Doc. Restore
NDHBPAD1 - Skip to channel 1 padding
NDHBPADR - Record padding
NDHBPDST - Printer destination
NDHBDSCT - Forced copies from print
NDHBNODE - Hold destination node
NDHBRCVALL - Wait until fully received
NDHBRTYP - Xerox file format
NDHBLPRT - Barr Enterprise Print Server printer
NDHBPPRT - Windows printer
NDHBSTAT - Job state after printing
NDHBSTIM - Start print time
NDHBETIM - End print time
NDHBTRNC - Truncate blanks
NDHBSPAG - Printed start page
NDHBEPAG - Printed end page
NDHBTPAG - Total pages printed
NDHBTLIN - Total lines printed
NDHBTBYT - Total bytes printed
NDHBSFCB - Send 3211 FCB
Type of data.
Length and type: 4 character
Default value: 0
Output DCO chain. This field is checked when processing data sets to see if a custom DCO chain will be used. DCO output chains that display in this field will be used to process the data set.
Length and type: 80 character
Default value: none
Destination stream type. SYSOUT is defaulted to zero and is the most common. SYSIN is specific to host.
Length and type: 2 binary
Default value: 0
Standard EBCDIC code conversion page. Default page is 37.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Printer driver name. Used on both receiving and sending sides. You cannot change the value for this field.
Length and type: 64 character
Default value: 0
Hold data set. Setting the value to -1 will set the data set's initial state to Hold. If the value is set to 0, the data set's state remains in the default state, Ready. You cannot change the value for this field.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Do not retain data set. Setting the value to -1 will set the data set's initial disposition to Delete. If the value is set to 0, the data set's disposition remains in the default disposition, Retain. You cannot change the value for this field.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Document delete right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to delete the document.
If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Document hold right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to change the document state to Hold.
If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Document copy count right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to modify the document copy count. This right must be used in conjunction with the NDHBDOCMOD - Doc. Modify right.
If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Document modify right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to modify specific document settings (for example, Form and Class). This right controls the modification of all document settings except the document priority, copy count, and page range. The Doc. Modify right must be specified along with the NDHBDOCPRI - Doc. Priority, NDHBDOCCOP - Doc. Copy Count, and NDHBDOCPRG - Doc. Page Range rights to control these settings.
If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Document page range right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to modify the document page range. This right must be used in conjunction with the NDHBDOCMOD - Doc. Modify right.
If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Document priority right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to modify the document priority. This right must be used in conjunction with the NDHBDOCMOD - Doc. Modify right.
If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Document view right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to view the document or use the Spool Window's Send To option.
If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Retained document delete right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to delete documents from the retain folder. To use this feature, you must enable the retain feature from the Configuration Utility's Spool and Retain tab.
If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Retained document restore right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to restore documents from the retain folder. To use this feature, you must enable the retain feature from the Configuration Utility's Spool and Retain tab.
If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)
Default value: 0
Skip to channel 1 padding. These are the possible values:
Y (yes command) – If the record does not contain data, use the Y command to pad the record with a space and print correctly.
N (no command) – If the record does not contain data, but the carriage control indicates that it does, use the N command to change the CC to indicate that there is no data.
C (consecutive command) - If the previous and current record contain skip to channel 1 CC commands with no data, the current record will be padded with a space forcing the printer to skip to channel 1. Without this option, consecutive skip to channel 1 commands that do not contain data will be ignored.
Length and type: 1 character (Y, N, or C)
Default value: C
Record padding. These are the possible values:
Y (yes command) – If the record does not contain data, use the Y command to pad the record with a space and print correctly.
N (no command) – If the record does not contain data, but the carriage control indicates that it does, use the N command to change the CC to indicate that there is no data.
Length and type: 1 character (Y or N)
Default value: Y
Printer destination. You cannot change the value for this field.
Type: character
Forced copies. For files input to the spool from third-party programs, such as Word. This value is set by the third-party program and is stored in a header that the third-party program creates. BARR/SPOOL can only read this header. It cannot write to it. You cannot change the value for this field.
Length and type: 2 binary
Barr routing node. When you route jobs from the computer to an NJE host, this field specifies which NJE host you want to send the job through.
Length and type: 8 character
Receive the entire job before printing. This field is also controlled by the Print jobs while receiving data option on the Spool Printers tab.
Length and type: 1 character (Y or N)
Default value: Y
Remove NUL bytes from BARR/NJE or BARR/PRINT390 output records being sent to a printer. These are the possible values:
Y (yes command) – Remove NUL bytes.
N (no command) – Do not remove NUL bytes.
Length and type: 1 character (Y or N)
Default value: N
This byte is used only with resource jobs and is currently the only job spooled from Print Utility with the "Xerox File Format" option. Its possible values are:
0, for none (not a Xerox file)
1, for Xerox Metacode format
2, for LPS Acronym for Laser Printer Series. A Xerox file format used for form overlays, fonts, or logos. format
3, for Interpress A page description language from Xerox used on the 2700 and 9700 page printers (medium to large-scale laser printers). format
Used internally by BARR/PRINT TCP/IP and Print Utility to wait before writing the modified headers. This is a reserved field that cannot be changed or used for routing.
Length and type: 1 binary
Name of the spool printer to which the job was printed. This is the printer created in BARR/SPOOL.
Length and type: 80 character
Default value: This value is set internally at print time.
Name of the physical printer to which the job was printed. This is the printer created in Windows.
Length and type: 80 character
Default value: This value is set internally at print time.
State of the job after attempting to print. Possible values are PRINT, REPRINT, ERROR, HOLD, DELETE, and RESCHEDULE.
Length and type: 20 character
Default value: This value is set internally at print time.
Time the job began printing. You cannot change the value for this field.
Length and type: 64-bit integer
Default value: This value is set internally at print time.
Time the job finished printing. You cannot change the value for this field.
Length and type: 64-bit integer
Default value: This value is set internally at print time.
Truncate blanks. These are the possible values:
Y (yes command) – This command truncates all blanks in the field.
N (no command) – This command does not truncate any blanks.
1 – This command truncates all blanks except a blank in column 1 (prevents a record with zero length).
Length and type: 1 character (Y, N, or 1)
Default value: Y
The page printed first. For example, if you are reprinting pages 5 -12, the NDHBSPAG would be page 5.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
The page printed last. For example, if you are reprinting pages 5 -12, the NDHBEPAG would be page 12.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Total number of pages printed.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Total number of lines printed.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Total number of bytes printed.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Send 3211 FCB. These are the possible values:
Y (yes command) – FCBs will always be sent to the printer.
N (no command) – FCBs will never be sent to the printer.
Selecting N does not stop default FCBs from being sent to the printer. The Viewer utility and Windows printers using non-Barr drivers or the Barr ASCII driver use these default internal FCBs of 6 lines-per-inch and 66 lines-per-page. This option is used when using BARR/PRINT390 to print to a channel-attached line printer. See the Barr Enterprise Print Server Help for more information.
C (change) – FCBs will be sent to the printer when the FCB changes.
Length and type: 1 character (Y, N, or C)
Default value: C
Barr File Port:
When the Variable-length record format is selected, the ASCII data type, and NDHBSFCB=N, then all CC are ignored except for SkipToChannel_1 which is mapped to 0x0C. All other records are considered to have a skip 1 line CC.
When the ASCII format is selected and NDHBSFCB=N, then all channel CC are ignored except for SkipToChannel_1 which is mapped to 0x0C, and line oriented skips are also processed (skip 1 line, skip 2 lines, skip 3 lines).
When the Archive format is selected and NDHBSFCB=V or C, then an FCB will be written and the maximum record length (NDHGLREC) will be adjusted for the FCB length. If NDHBSFCB=N, then an FCB will not be written and NDHGLREC will remain unchanged.
Override FCB. These are the possible values:
Y (yes command) – FCBs in the beginning of the data will be ignored, functioning as if there were no FCBs in the data.
N (no command) – FCBs in the data will be sent to the printer, overriding the FCB specified in the FCBNAME field.
Length and type: 1 character (Y or N)
Default value: N