General section of the job header.
NJHGJID - Job number
NJHGJCLS - Execution class
NJHGMCLS - Message class
NJHGFLG1 - Recompute selection
NJHGF1PR - Recompute selection priority bit
NJHGF1CF - Send transmission forwarding
NJHGF1CA - Send transmission acceptance
NJHGF1PE - Encryption security product
NJHGF1NE - Password encryption
NJHGPRIO - Job priority
NJHGORGQ - Originator node system qualifier
NJHGJCPY - Number of job output copies
NJHGLNCT - Lines per page
NJHGHOPS - Hop count
NJHGACCT - Network accounting information
NJHGJNAM - Job name
NJHGUSID - Destination user ID
NJHGPASS - Password
NJHGNPAS - New password
NJHGETS - Job entry time
NJHGORGN - Originator node
NJHGORGR - Originator user ID
NJHGXEQN - Execution node
NJHGXEQU - Execution user ID
NJHGPRTN - Default print file destination
NJHGPRTR - Output destination
NJHGPUNN - Punch destination
NJHGPUNR - Punch output destination
NJHGICRD - Number of statements
NJHGELIN - Output print lines
NJHGECRD - Punch card output
NJHGPRGN - Programmer name
NJHGDEPT - Department
NJHGBLDG - Building
NJHGNREC - Record count
NJHGJNO - Expanded job number
NJHGNTYN - Notify name
Job number assigned to the NJE job at the originating node.
AS/400 and RSCS use numbers 1-9999.
JES2 and JES3 use numbers 1-32767.
POWER uses numbers 1-65535.
Length, type, and range: 2 binary (1-65535)
Default value: 0
Execution class associated with the job.
AS/400 and RSCS do not use the field but set the value to A for jobs that originate at the specified subsystem.
JES2 sets the class from the job card, JECL statement, or input device class.
POWER sets the job class from the job's JECL statements.
Length, type, and range: 1 character (A-Z, 0-9)
Default value: A
Message class associated with the job. This field also includes job class information, allowing you to sort jobs by class in the Spool Window.
JES2 sets the message class from the job card.
AS/400, JES3, RSCS, and POWER do not use the field but set the value to A.
Length, type, and range: 1 character (A-Z, 0-9)
Default value: A
Flag byte.
Length and type: 1 byte
Default value: 0
Contains these bits:
NJHGF1PR - Recompute selection priority bit
NJHGF1CF - Send transmission forwarding
NJHGF1CA - Send transmission acceptance
NJHGF1PE - Encryption security product
NJHGF1NE - Password encryption
Recompute selection priority bit.
AS/400 does not use this bit, but sets it to the default.
JES2 uses the bit if the sender specifies the job's priority on the /*PRIORITY JECL or JOB statement. If JES2 receives a job and the bit is off, JES2 gives the job the installation's default priority. If the bit is on, JES2 uses the priority in NJHGPRIO as the job's priority.
Length and type: bit 80
Default value: 0
Indicates whether to send transmission forwarding notification to the notify user (identified by NJHGNTYN/NJHGUSID). Forwarding is successful job or SYSOUT transmission to another node. Notification is a status message NMR indicating successful forwarding.
NJHGF1CF set to 0 indicates that forwarding notification can be sent from an intermediate node An NJE node situated between an origin node and a destination node. See node. that processes this transmission.
NJHGF1CF set to 1 indicates not to send forwarding notification.
AS/400 and JES2 do not use this flag.
JES3 does not use this flag and sends transmission forwarding notification on BSC links.
RSCS sets the flag according to the SENTMSG parameter on the TAG command.
POWER does not use this flag and does not send transmission forwarding notification.
Length and type: bit 8
Default value: 0
Indicates whether to send transmission acceptance notification to the notify user (identified by NJHGNTYN/NJHGUSID). Acceptance is defined as successful receipt (and storage) of the transmission at the destination node. Notification consists of a status message NMR indicating acceptance.
NJHGF1CA set to 0 indicates that acceptance notification can be sent from the destination node.
NJHGF1CA set to 1 indicates not to send acceptance notification from the destination node.
JES2 does not check this flag and issues messages $HASP122 or $HASP546 regardless of the setting.
RSCS sets this flag according to the FINALMSG parameter on the TAG command.
POWER does not use this flag and always sends a transmission acceptance notification.
Length and type: bit 4
Default value: 0
Indicates the security product at the originating node has encrypted the value in NJHGPASS. An encrypted password has an implicit length of 8 bytes, even if it contains embedded or trailing x '40' or x '00' bytes.
JES2 and JES3 in MVS/SP 3.1.3 with RACF 1.9 use this and the next bit.
RSCS and POWER do not set or use this or the next bit.
Length and type: bit 2
Default value: 0
Indicates the security product at the originating node value has encrypted the value in NJHGNPAS. An encrypted password has an implicit length of 8 bytes, even if it contains embedded or trailing x '40' or x '00' bytes.
NJHGF1PE = 1 and NJHGF1NE = 0 indicates NJHGPASS is encrypted and NJHGNPAS is zeros. NJHGF1PE = 0 and NJHGF1NE = 1 is not permitted.
See the security product for documentation on the encryption algorithm used.
Length and type: bit 1
Default value: 0
Selection/transmission job priority. Zero is the lowest and 15 is the highest priority. You can use this field to sort jobs by priority in the Spool Window.
JES2 uses this byte as the selection priority. If the JES2 node receives the NJE job and NJHGF1PR is on, JES2 uses the indicator as the execution priority. If the bit is off, JES2 ignores the indicator. If the JES2 node is transmitting an NJE job, JES2 uses NJHGPRIO to indicate the execution priority.
JES3 does not use this byte because NJE jobs are transmitted FIFO.
AS/400 sets this field to 6. Received jobs are processed FIFO.
RSCS translates priorities 99-0 to 0-15 on transmission and translates them again when it receives the stream. RSCS never alters store-and-forward jobs, even if their priority gets changed on a VM/370 system.
0 to 99 1 to 92 2 to 85 3 to 78 4 to 71 5 to 64 6 to 57 7 to 50 8 to 44 9 to 37 10 to 31 11 to 27 12 to 19 13 to 12 4 to 6 15 to 0 |
90-99 to 0 84-89 to 1 78-83 to 2 72-77 to 3 66-71 to 4 60-65 to 5 54-59 to 6 48-53 to 7 42-47 to 8 36-41 to 9 30-35 to 10 24-29 to 11 18-23 to 12 12-17 to 13 6-11 to 14 0-5 to 15 |
POWER translates NJHGPRIO to the POWER priority (0-9) on received jobs and translates NJHGPRIO from the POWER priority on transmitted jobs. Never changes the priority for store-and-forward jobs, even if the operator alters the value on the POWER node.
0 to 0 0 to 1 2 to 2 3 to 2 4 to 3 5 to 3 6 to 4 7 to 4 8 to 5 9 to 5 10 to 6 11 to 7 12 to 7 13 to 8 14 to 8 15 to 9 |
0 to 0 1 to 2 to 3 2 to 3 3 to 5 3 to 5 4 to 7 4 to 7 5 to 8 5 to 8 6 to 10 7 to 12 7 to 12 8 to 13 8 to 13 9 to 15 |
Length and type: 1 binary
Default value: 0
System qualifier for the originating node in a loosely coupled multiprocessor complex. Used to return status messages to the node where the NJE job was send.
AS/400 does not use the field but sets it to the default value.
JES2 uses the indicator as the member number.
JES3 uses the indicator as the index to a local main for TSO sent jobs. If the job originated at a JES3 node and was sent by a TSO user, JES3 sets the proper index value. A qualifier of zero indicates the job is not from TSO. On input, the field gets saved for generating TSO NOTIFY messages.
RSCS uses the field for status messages but does not set it.
POWER sets the field from the POWER SYSID field. POWER uses the field to define the shared spooling system when running in a shared spooling complex. The field can contain X'40', X'F1'-X'F9', or X'00'-X'09'.
Length and type: 1 binary
Default value: 0
Number of output copies for the entire job as indicated before the job executes.
JES2 sets the field from the /* JOBPARM statement. At the destination node, this count gets multiplied by the data set header copy count for each SYSOUT data set in the job.
AS/400 and RSCS do not use the field but set it to the default value.
JES3 sets the field to zero at the origin node or selects the default if the execution node equals the origin node. Not used.
POWER sets the field to zero. Not used.
Length, type, and range: 1 binary (0-255)
Default value: 1
Number of lines per page for NJE SYSOUT jobs. Values of X'00' or X'FF' cause the system not to count lines or use the default value at the node that prints the SYSOUT data set. Other values cause a page eject after the specified number of lines.
JES2 sets the lines per page for SYSOUT files from the /*JOBPARM or JOB statement. The special values X'00' and X'FF' are used as follows:
X'00' - Use the default value of the destination node.
X'FF' - Do not force page ejects. Let the skipping be determined by carriage control (if present) in the SYSOUT data.
AS/400 and JES3 do not use the field but set it to the default value.
RSCS sets the value to X'FF' for printing and to the default for punching. Not used.
POWER uses the default value.
Length and type: 1 binary
Default value: 0
Contains a count of the number of nodes (which support this field) that have processed (that is, stored and forwarded) this transmission. Can be used to detect a transmission looping in a network.
Set to zero at the origin node (not reset for NJE SYSOUT jobs generated from this job) and incremented at intermediate nodes.
AS/400 does not use or set the field.
JES3 does not use the field but sets the field to zero at origin nodes for all jobs and increments the field at intermediate nodes.
JES2 increments the value and holds the job if it exceeds the installation-defined threshold.
POWER does not increment or use the field but sets the default value.
Length, type, and range: 2 binary (1-65535)
Default value: 0
Job's network accounting information.
AS/400 does not use the field but sets it to the default value.
JES2 sets this field from the /*NETACCT statement or converts the local account number by using the NETACCT translation tables when transmitting data. JES2 uses this field as input to the NETACCT translation tables. Blanks can be accepted as the default when receiving data.
JES3 gets accounting information from the //*NETACCT control statement.
RSCS does not use or set the field.
POWER sets but does not use the field.
Field and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Name of the job.
AS/400 initializes the field with the job name by using AS4nnnnn. The nnnnn contains the job number specified in field NJHGJID.
JES2 initializes the field with the job name, which can contain blanks.
JES3 initializes the field with the job name. If a job name is not supplied, uses NJEJOB as the default.
RSCS initializes the field from the VM user ID.job. In Version 3.1, RSCS can set this field from the VM jobname or the JOBNAME = tag parameter.
POWER initializes the field to the POWER job name. If the field is blank when POWER receives a job, POWER sets the field to JOB.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: none
Contains the destination user ID at the NJHGNTYN node for status notification message NMRs associated with the job or SYSOUT transmission.
AS/400 sets this field to the originating user ID and uses this field as the originating user ID if NJHGORDR is blank or zero. If the field is not set, AS/400 selects the user ID SYSTEM.
JES2 obtains information from the NOTIFY parameter on the JOB statement or the user ID specified on the /*NOTIFY JECL statement. Set to origin user ID if neither is specified.
JES3 gets information from the user ID of the person who sent the request (if the request was sent from TSO) or from the //*NETACCT control statement. Otherwise sets the field to blanks.
RSCS uses this field as the origin user ID if NJHGORGR is blanks or zeros. Set from the originating CMS user ID.
POWER sets the field with the notify user ID specified on the NTFY operand.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Password for the job used to validate the user (specified in NJHGORGR) at the execution node.
AS/400 does not use the field but sets it to the default value.
JES2 gets the value from the JOB statement. JES2 blanks the field when it transmits an NJE SYSOUT job and does not use the field if it receives an NJE SYSOUT job.
JES3 gets the value from the job's JOB JCL statement.
RSCS does not use the field but sets the default to binary zeros.
POWER sets the field to the value specified for the PWD operand of the $$ JOB statement. Uses the password to control access to POWER's spool file.
Length and type: 8 character or binary
Default value: 0
New password.
AS/400 does not use the field but sets it to the default value.
JES2 and JES3 get the new password from the JOB statement. Not used or set for SYSOUT jobs.
RSCS uses the binary zeros default value for the new password.
POWER does not use the field.
Length and type: 8 character or binary
Default value: 0
Time and date the job entered the system in S/390 STCK (store clock) format. The time stamp reflects local time.
AS/400 does not use the field but sets it to the default value.
JES2 and JES3 set and use the time stamp for the System Management Facility (SMF).
POWER does not use the time stamp but sets it.
Length and type: 8 binary
Default value: 0
Name of the node where the job originates (where you sent the job).
Never modify NJHGORGN during the life of the NJE job. You can use it as the true origin of the job for security authorization and auditing purposes.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: none
Identifier of the user who sent the job or the name of the remote workstation from which the job was sent (at node NJHGORGN).
AS/400 sets and uses the field as the originating user ID.
JES2 and JES3 set the field for NJE SYSIN jobs as follows:
Set to sender's user ID if sent with internal reader (for example, TSO user ID if TSO internal reader).
Set to remote name if sent from RJE workstation.
Set to input device group name if sent from input device (JES3 only).
Set to default in other cases.
JES2 propagates the job header from the job creating SYSOUT.
POWER updates this field with the FROM operand value if specified.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Name of the connection on which the job was received.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Name of the node where an NJE SYSIN job is sent for execution. If an operator issues a command to reroute the NJE SYSIN job, the value in this field changes to indicate the new node name.
AS/400 sets this field to the destination address and uses it as the destination address for NJE SYSIN jobs.
JES2 sets the execution node name for an NJE SYSIN job from the following:
/*ROUTE XEQ statement
/*XEQ statement
/*XMIT statement
JES3 sets the execution node name for an NJE SYSIN job from the following:
//*ROUTE XEQ statement
//XMIT JECL statement
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Execution user ID.
AS/400 sets this field to the destination user ID for the NJE SYSIN jobs.
JES2 sets the execution user ID from the /*XEQ or /*XMIT JECL statement but does not use it.
JES3 sets the execution user ID from one of the following:
//XMIT JECL statement.
JES3 uses the execution user ID for the System Management Facility (SMF).
RSCS uses the execution user ID as the destination virtual machine for SYSIN jobs and sets it to zeros. For NJE SYSOUT jobs, RSCS sets this field as the origin user ID.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Default print destination where the system sends print files the job did not specifically route. When receiving a job with BARR/PRINT CHANNEL, this field contains the channel address.
AS/400 does not use this field but sets it to the originating address for both NJE SYSIN and NJE SYSOUT jobs.
JES2 gets the default destination from the job's JCL or from the statement used to define the reader where the job was sent.
JES3 sets the field from the job's JECL and uses it. Uses the originating node as the default destination for NJE SYSIN jobs.
RSCS sets to the originating node and uses it as the print destination node for NJE SYSIN jobs. For NJE SYSOUT jobs, RSCS sets the field to the destination node and uses it as the print destination node.
POWER sets the field to the originating node or to the value specified on the LDEST parameter.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Default print output destination (a user ID or a remote workstation) the job created.
AS/400 sets this field to the originating user ID but does not use it for SYSIN. (Sets SYSIN jobs sent from TSO to ANYLOCAL, which implies the SYSTEM at NJHGPRTN.) For SYSOUT, sets this field to the destination user ID but does not use it.
JES2 gets the default destination from the READER initialization statement or from the PRDEST parameter on the statement that defines the reader where the job was sent. JES2 routes the output to the destination at the node if a node is not specified. Uses this field to initialize the destination (field NDHGRMT) in the data set header.
JES3 uses the originating node as the default destination for NJE SYSIN jobs.
POWER sets the field from the originating user ID (or remote workstation) or sets it to the value specified on the LDEST parameter on the JOB statement or the DEST parameter on the LST statement.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Default punch destination node for punch files not specifically routed to another punch destination node.
For SYSIN jobs, sets this field to the originating address but does not use it.
For SYSOUT jobs, sets this field to the destination address but does not use it.
JES2 sets the default punch destination node from the job's JECL or from the PUNODE parameter on the reader from which the job was sent. Otherwise JES2 sets the punch destination node to the originating node.
JES3 sets the default punch destination node to the originating node for NJE SYSIN jobs.
RSCS sets the default punch destination node to the destination node for NJE SYSOUT jobs and to the originating node for NJE SYSIN jobs.
POWER sets the default punch destination node from the originating node or from the node specified on the PDEST parameter.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blank
Default punch output destination (user ID or remote workstation).
For SYSIN, sets this field to the originating user ID but does not use it. (Sets SYSIN jobs sent from TSO to ANYLOCAL, which implies the SYSEM at NJHGPUNN.)
For SYSOUT, sets this field to the destination user ID but does not use it.
JES2 sets the default punch output destination from the following:
/*ROUTE PUNCH statement
PUDEST parameter on the Rnnnn.RDm statement
JES2 uses the default punch output destination at the execution node to do the following:
Route SYSOUT if a destination is not specified
Set the field NDHGRMT in the data set header
JES3 sets the default punch output destination to the remote originating identifier when it transmits an NJE SYSIN job.
RSCS sets this field to the destination user ID of remote workstation. If the specified destination is SYSTEM, sets X'00' in the field. For NJE SYSIN jobs, RSCS sets the field to the originating user ID or X'00' if the NJE SYSIN job originates from a remote workstation.
POWER sets the default punch output destination to the following:
Originating user ID
Originating remote workstation
Values specified for the PDEST parameter on the JOB statement Values specified for the DEST parameter on the PUN statement.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Default form characteristics for output created by the job during execution. Copied into field NDHGFORM in the data set header during execution. This field includes PDIR form name information, allowing you to sort jobs by form in the Spool Window.
AS/400 sets this field to the spooled file's form type if you send the NJE SYSOUT job and specify DTAFMT(*RCDDATA) on the SNDNETSPLF command. AS/400 does not use this field for other NJE jobs.
JES2 does not use this field but sets the default form characteristics at the destination node from the job's JECL or initialization statements.
JES2 and RSCS set the field to zeros but do not use it.
POWER does not use the field.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Number of statements in the NJE SYSIN job.
AS/400 sets this field to the number of records in the file for SYSIN jobs and the default value for SYSOUT jobs. AS/400 does not use the field.
JES3 does not use the field but sets it to the default value.
RSCS does not use the field but sets it to the number of records in the file for NJE SYSIN jobs.
POWER does not use the field but sets it to the transmitted record count for the NJE job.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Estimated CPU time it takes to execute the job.
AS/400 does not use this field but sets it to the default value.
JES2 uses the field for SMF records and sets the time from the job's JECL.
JES3 uses the field for SMF type 26 records and sets the time from the job's JECL.
RSCS and POWER do not use the field but set it to the default.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Estimated number of output print lines.
AS/400 and POWER do not use this field but set it to the default value.
JES2 uses the field for SMF accounting and sets it from the job's JECL.
JES3 uses the field for SMF accounting and sets it from the job's JECL.
RSCS does not set or use the field.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Estimated punch card output.
AS/400, RSCS, and POWER do not use this field but set it to the default value.
JES2 uses this field for SMF accounting and sets it from the job's JECL.
JES3 uses the field for SMF accounting and sets it from the job's JECL.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Name of the programmer specified on the JOB statement.
AS/400 does not use this field but sets it to zeros for NJE SYSIN jobs and to the originating user ID for NJE SYSOUT jobs.
JES3 sets the programmer name from the //*NETACCT statement.
RSCS does not use the field but sets it to the name of the sender for NJE SYSOUT jobs. Sets the field to X'00' for NJE SYSIN jobs. In Version 3.1, RSCS can set this field from the PGRNAME = tag parameter.
POWER uses the field for information printed on separator pages for the NJE job's SYSOUT data.
Length and type: 20 character
Default value: blanks
Room number of the programmer specified on the JOB statement.
AS/400 does not use this field but sets it to the default value.
JES2 sets the field from the JOB statement or the /*JOBPARAM statement on its separator page. Sets four characters, left-adjusts them, and pads the rest with blanks.
JES3 sets the field from the //*NETACCT statement.
RSCS sets the field from the VM/SP distribution code. In Version 3.1, RSCS can set this field from the ROOM = tag parameter.
POWER uses the field for information printed on separator pages for the NJE job's SYSOUT data.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Programmer's department number specified on the JOB statement.
RSCS does not use the field but sets it with the default value. In Version 3.1, RSCS can set this field from the DEPT = tag parameter.
AS/400 does not use this field but sets it to the default value.
JES2 uses this field on the NJE job's SYSOUT separator pages.
JES3 sets the field with information from the //NETACCT statement.
POWER uses the field on the NJE job's SYSOUT separator pages.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Programmer's building number specified on the JOB statement.
AS/400 and RSCS do not use this field but set it to the default value.
In Version 3.1 RSCS can set this field from the BLDG = tag parameter.
JES2 uses the building number on the separator pages of the NJE job's SYSOUT.
JES3 sets the field with information on the //*NETACCT statement.
POWER uses the building number on the separator pages of the NJE job's SYSOUT.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks
Record count for an NJE SYSOUT job. Not set for an NJE SYSIN job.
AS/400 does not use this field but sets it to the number of records in the file for NJE SYSIN jobs and the default value for NJE SYSOUT jobs.
JES2 sets the field to the sum of record counts for each data set after the job header. The sum does not include the job or data set headers in the NJE SYSOUT job. The node receiving the NJE SYSOUT job uses the field to issue a message acknowledging receiving the job.
JES3 does not use the field but sets it to the default.
RSCS sets the field from the number of records in the field for NJE SYSOUT jobs. Does not set or use the field for NJE SYSIN jobs.
POWER uses the field as the line count for the output file. Records containing spanned data count as 1 record.
Length and type: 4 binary
Default value: 0
Expanded job number ('4b' = 4,294,967,295). Not used or set by any product.
Length, type, and range: 4 binary (1-4B)
Default value: 0
Node name of the user to notify about job/SYSOUT transmission or processing status.
AS/400 does not use or set this field. Sends status messages to NJHGORGN by using the originating user ID specified by NJHGORGR.
JES2 sets this field to the node name specified on the /*NOTIFY JECL statement.
JES3 sets this field to the node name from which the user sent the job.
RSCS does not set this field.
POWER sets this field to the node name from which the user sent the job or to the node name specified with the NTFY operand.
Length and type: 8 character
Default value: blanks