Typical performance on an 802.2 connection is 400 to 900 KB on a 10-MB Ethernet/16-MB token ring. Many factors and parameters affect 802.2 network performance. If you are experiencing problems, review the following items to optimize the performance.
You might have an overloaded network segment/ring. Have a network analyst load balance the network users across multiple segments/rings.
The MAXDATA and MAXOUT parameters are not set or tuned for efficiency. Have a host programmer verify the settings in VTAM and JES Acronym for Job Entry Subsystems of the IBM MVS operating system. These subsystems are used for entering jobs into the MVS operating system and dispensing the output from the jobs. that affect pacing and MAXDATA. For example, set all pacing values to 7 and MAXDATA to 1033 for Ethernet One of the LAN physical standards. It allows multiple stations to access the transmission medium. or 2057 for token ring A LAN formed in a ring (closed loop) topology that uses token passing as a means of regulating traffic on the line. Set the SNA gateway MAXBTU parameter in the link service properties to the value you choose for MAXDATA.
There is network latency (timing delays). Have a network analyst check the network with a protocol analyzer (Sniffer) to check packet delay times.
If you examine all of these possibilities and are still experiencing performance problems, send a Sniffer trace to Barr Technical Support for further analysis.