Retain Window - Enabling and disabling the retain feature

When you enable the retain feature, spool documents are saved to the Retain folder after they print or are deleted from the Spool Window. You can choose which documents to display on the Retain Window based on document date and time. When hundreds of documents are stored in the Retain folder, limiting the documents that display will reduce the time it takes to display the Retain Window. If you do not want to save deleted or printed spool documents, you can disable the retain feature.

What do you want to do?

See also:

Enabling the retain feature

  1. Open the Configuration Utility, and select the Spool and Retain tab.

    Spool and Retain Tab

  2. Next to Retain, verify the directory where you want to store retained documents is specified. Click the folder button to modify the location.

  3. Under Retain period, select one of the retain options: Indefinitely or For __ days. (If you select For __ days, be sure to enter a retain period.)

BHCS only examines a document's age when the SpoolCore service is restarted. If you are retaining documents for a set period, you must periodically restart the service to delete the old documents.

  1. Under Retain view, select which retain files to display.

  2. Select View all to display all the documents in the retain folder.

  3. Select View for __ days and enter the number of days to display retain files.

  4. Select View using calendar to display the Retain Start/End Date & Time dialog box each time the Retain Window is opened.

  1. Under Options, specify whether to change the document’s date and time to the current date and time when it is copied to the Retain folder. If you do not select Use current date and time, the document’s original date and time are preserved.

  2. Click OK to exit the Configuration Utility.

  3. If you set the Retain view to View using calendar, complete the following steps to limit the retain display by choosing a starting date and time and then choosing an ending date.

    Retain Start/End Date & Time Dialog Box

  1. Open the Spool Window.

  2. On the menu bar, select Document | View Retain.

  3. Under Date, use the drop-down menus to select the starting month and year.

  4. In the calendar, click the starting day.

  5. Check the date that displays below the calendar to verify that your selections are correct.

  6. Under Time, use the up and down arrows to choose the hours and minutes of the starting time, and then click AM or PM.

  7. Under End Date, select To current date to display files up to today’s date, or select Number of days to load and specify the length of the date range. For example, enter 1 to view documents for one day or 7 to view documents for a period of one week from the Start Date.

  8. Click OK to display the Retain Window with documents from the specified date range.

You must stop and restart the BARR SpoolCore service after you enable the retain feature or change the retain options for the changes to take effect.

Add the Disposition (BARR_DISPOSITION) column to the Retain Window and the Spool Window to view a document's current disposition. This will allow you to easily identify which documents you want to retain and to change the disposition on screen. Use the Delete After Printing and Retain After Printing commands from the Spool Window’s Document menu, or the right-click menu, to selectively set the disposition of documents. You also can use the document attribute Override Table to set the default disposition for documents.

Disabling the retain feature

  1. Open the Configuration Utility, and select the Spool and Retain tab.

    Spool and Retain Tab

  2. Under Retain period, select Never.

You can selectively disable the retain feature for documents by setting the document disposition.