Headers From Data Configuration dialog box

Use this dialog box to define headers from data configuration properties. Use this dialog box to specify the data to be taken from incoming files, and to specify the header field that will be filled with the data. RJE users can access this dialog box from the Device Properties dialog box. TCP/IP, and Print Utility users can access this dialog box from the Options tab.

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Headers From Data Configuration Dialog Box

What do you want to do?

See also:

Extraction method


Searches for the header based on a particular record on a particular page.


Searches for the header based on a particular record, regardless of page breaks.


Header field

Specifies the header field for the data to be placed in. Click the folder button to select a field from the Select Field dialog box.

Line number

Specifies the line number in the file that contains the data. The default value is 1.

Page number

Specifies the page where data extraction will begin. The default value is 1. This option is only available when you are using the Page-based extraction method.

Record number

Specifies the record where data extraction will begin. The default value is 1. This option is only available when you are using the Record-based extraction method.

Starting column

Specifies the column where data extraction will begin. The default value is 1.

For ASCII with ASA carriage control files, the first column is not counted (in other words, the second column is treated as the first column).

Number of characters

Specifies how many characters to extract. The default value is 8.