Configuring RJE optional settings

Use the RJE Configuration Utility to configure RJE settings for host communication. The procedures outlined in this topic are optional and designed for more advanced RJE users. Refer to the Configuring RJE required settings for HPR/IP or MS/LUA topic to configure the minimum required RJE settings.

You must be a member of the local Administrators group to operate the RJE Configuration Utility. If you are assigned the Configure - RJE user access right on the computer to which you are trying to connect, but are not a member of the Administrators group, the RJE Configuration Utility will operate in read-only mode.

See also:

Configuring the device controls

Complete the following steps to configure printers, punches, and readers.

  1. Select the RJE Configuration Utility's Device Control tab.

    Device Control Tab

  2. Under Printers, choose whether to enable FCBLOAD. The FCB contains information used to format the data at print time. By default, this option is not selected.

  3. From the Mount forms by list, choose which method the software will use to obtain form information for a file. The options that display change depending on the Use FCBLOAD selection. If Use FCBLOAD is selected, the list is limited to $HASP190 FORMNAME (default), RJE Console, and $HASPFCBNAME. If Use FCBLOAD is not selected, the Mount forms by list also includes SETUP=PDIR FORMNAME (default) and SETUP=PDIR FCBNAME.

The RJE Console choice is the only manual way to load forms. The other choices are ways to automatically load forms, usually during unattended operation.

  1. Specify the Maximum print position on a line. If characters on a line exceed the specified maximum, the software will wrap the extra characters to the next line as the file is received to the computer.

  2. Specify the Minimum line length of data lines that will be sent on the reader. Any data lines shorter than the minimum line length will be padded with blanks to the specified length. Valid values are 1 to 254.

  3. Specify the Maximum line length of data lines that will be sent on the reader. Valid values are 1 to 254.

If you are sending print files to another SNA RJE remote unit, set this value to 132 so that all 132 columns of your print file are sent.

  1. Under Devices, select the appropriate printer or punch and click Configure. The Device Properties dialog box displays.

    Device Properties Dialog Box

We do not recommend using the Output statement and Headers from data options together. If you want to use both of these options, however, select your settings carefully.

  1. Select whether you want to use the Output statement to provide information typically used for printing a file, such as job name, form name, file name, copies, priority, and class. The output statement must only be used for Standard ASCII and ASCII with ASA carriage control files. Output statements must be in all uppercase or all lowercase. Mixed case is not supported.

  2. If you select Output statement, all lines up to and including the output statement are deleted from the file. Select Keep data prior to prevent data loss.

  1. Select Create separator files if you want to create separator files and divide an output file into multiple files by using PDIRs Acronym for Peripheral Data set Information Record(s). as file boundaries. This feature is only available for printers and punches.

  2. Select Machine carriage control embedded in data to allow the software to use the first byte of every record as machine carriage control, instead of SCS carriage control sent by the host. This is option is similar to the Machine Carriage Control switch in the S/370 Receive mode in RJE DOS product..

  3. Specify the output Class to assign to a file received on a specified source device.

  4. Specify the number of Records to remove. With this option you can delete a specified number of records from the beginning of the file. The maximum value is 32767. A common use for this option is to delete the first two records of a punch file: the blank card and the file separator card.

  1. If needed, select a Code page from the drop-down list. Typically, you do not need to use a code page. Code pages are required only for special programs or printing needs, such as for printing foreign character sets.

  2. Under Headers from data, select Enable if you want to extract information from the file text and save it in the spool header. To add a new field, click Add. To view or modify a field, select a field from the list and click Modify. Use the Headers From Data Configuration dialog box to enter configuration information. To remove a field, select a field from the list and click Remove.

  1. When you finish configuring the connection, click OK. If you created a reader on the RJE Description tab, a dialog displays asking if you would like the RJE Configuration Utility to automatically create the RJE readers needed for communicating with the host. We recommend selecting Yes and allowing RJE to create the following necessary devices. You must restart the BARR SpoolCore service for your changes to take effect.

  2. To route files from a program to the Spool Window, the printer Connection name - Send to Host is created. This allows you to print directly from a program by selecting File | Print on the menu bar.

  3. To route files from the Spool Window to the host, a spool printer is created for each reader specified. These printers appear in the Spool Window with the name Connection name - RDn. After the BARR SpoolCore service is restarted, you can view the newly created printers.

Selecting forms

Complete the following steps to select a form for an RJE print stream (PR1 to PR7).

  1. Select the RJE Configuration Utility's Forms tab.

    Forms Tab

  2. From the Select form for list, select the printer on which you want to mount forms.

  3. From the Forms list, select the form you are going to mount on the printer.

  4. Under Send commands, specify the commands you want automatically sent to the host computer. These commands help control the printing of jobs that need forms. If your host computer requires form commands and you do not enter them here, you must send commands manually from the RJE Console.

  1. In the When form is mounted box, type the command you want to send when the form is mounted. Usually you enter this type of command to drain or pause the RJE print stream. This stops file activity so additional commands can be issued. You can enter multiple commands separated by vertical bars.

  1. In the When printer is started box, type the command you want to start the RJE print stream. Usually you enter this type of command to tell the host computer to release jobs that require the mounted form. You can enter multiple commands separated by vertical bars.

  1. In the After $HASP190 message box, type the command you want to send after RJE receives a JES2 $HASP190 message. This message is used for automatic forms mounting. With this command line you can issue the appropriate start printer command in response to the setup message. For JES2, the start command usually is $S PRn. If you do not use the JES2 $HASP190 message you can leave this line blank.

You can enter only one command in this box. Multiple commands separated by vertical bars are not supported.

  1. When you finish configuring the connection, click OK. If you created a reader on the RJE Description tab, a dialog displays asking if you would like the RJE Configuration Utility to automatically create the RJE readers needed for communicating with the host. We recommend selecting Yes and allowing RJE to create the following necessary devices. You must restart the BARR SpoolCore service for your changes to take effect.

  2. To route files from a program to the Spool Window, the printer Connection name - Send to Host is created. This allows you to print directly from a program by selecting File | Print on the menu bar.

  3. To route files from the Spool Window to the host, a spool printer is created for each reader specified. These printers appear in the Spool Window with the name Connection name - RDn. After the BARR SpoolCore service is restarted, you can view the newly created printers.

Defining command buttons

Complete the following steps to define the command buttons that appear on the RJE Console. These buttons can be used to send commands to the host to display and change the status of devices, jobs, and print and punch queues.

The command buttons have already been defined with frequently used JES2 commands, but you can change the definitions if necessary. You must change the remote number in the A2 and A9 key default definitions to correspond to your remote number. (Get the remote number from your host programmer.)

  1. Select the RJE Configuration Utility's Commands tab.

    Commands Tab

  2. In the Set box, select the letter to which you will be assigning commands. You can assign up to 40 commands.

  3. In the Description box, type a description to remind you of the command's function. Descriptions can contain a maximum of 15 characters.

  4. In the Command box, type the command that you want sent to the host when you use the command button on the RJE Console. You can enter multiple commands separated by vertical bars.

You can define 80-character commands that prompt you to supply parameters when you use the command. This feature allows you to define fewer buttons because you can use a single button to issue similar commands. When you define the command, substitute a question mark (?) for the value you want to supply later.

  1. Choose to Enable or Disable manual commands entered in the RJE Console Command line. Disable this option if you want to restrict computer operators to using defined command buttons. This feature prevents users from sending unauthorized or undesirable commands.

If you include ? prompts in your command button definitions, operators can send commands to the host, even when you disable console commands. When operators use a command button defined with a ? prompt, the command displays in the Command line. The operator can modify the command or enter a new command from scratch. If you want to eliminate this possibility, do not include ? prompts in your command definitions.

  1. You can specify the First character of the command so you do not need to enter it each time you issue a command. Commands for the host computer begin with a command character (for example, JES2 commands begin with a $). When you use the RJE Console Command line, the software automatically adds the specified character to the beginning of each command you issue automatically with the command buttons or manually from the Command line.

  2. When you finish configuring the connection, click OK. If you created a reader on the RJE Description tab, a dialog displays asking if you would like the RJE Configuration Utility to automatically create the RJE readers needed for communicating with the host. We recommend selecting Yes and allowing RJE to create the following necessary devices. You must restart the BARR SpoolCore service for your changes to take effect.

  3. To route files from a program to the Spool Window, the printer Connection name - Send to Host is created. This allows you to print directly from a program by selecting File | Print on the menu bar.

  4. To route files from the Spool Window to the host, a spool printer is created for each reader specified. These printers appear in the Spool Window with the name Connection name - RDn. After the BARR SpoolCore service is restarted, you can view the newly created printers.

Managing connections

Complete the following steps to specify startup and restart options.

  1. Select the RJE Configuration Utility's Connection Control tab.

    Connection Control Tab

  2. Choose if you would like to automatically connect to the host computer.

If you are sending files to the host, you must use the Spool Window scheduling option to release the jobs from spool. If you do not use the scheduling option, you will connect to the host when a job reaches the spool and it will be released immediately, ignoring the specified time.

  1. Select At RJE service startup to automatically connect to the host computer when the BARR RJE service starts.

Before leaving the software unattended, you must start a new connection or restart the current connection on the RJE Console. Starting this connection will not connect you to the host, the software will wait until the indicated time to start the host connection. A message will appear on the console indicating the actual connection start time. You can close the RJE Console if desired. If you want to connect prior to the selected time, you can start the connection manually.

  1. Specify the Maximum log file size. The log file is stored in the \\Program Files\ Common Files\Barr\Log folder and is named ConnectionName_ConsoleLog.txt.

  2. Select the action the software will take when a restart condition occurs.

  1. Select Disconnect if idle if you want the software to automatically disconnect To break a communications link. from the host computer when the communication line becomes idle for a specified period of time.

Use Disconnect if idle with At time when you are connecting to the host computer after normal business hours to take advantage of lower communications charges.

  1. Select Reconnect periodically if you want to reconnect to the host computer at specified time intervals after it disconnects.

  2. Select Disconnect unconditionally to force the software to exit after a manual disconnect or after idle time is exceeded, even if processes are not complete.

  1. In the Commands sent at startup box, enter commands that you want to be issued when the connection is started. If you have selected a default connection in RJE Console, the commands will be sent to the host computer each time RJE Console starts. Commands can contain up to 80 characters each.

You can enter several commands on each line if you separate the commands with a vertical bar (|). You can also separate commands by pressing CTRL+ENTER, and moving the pointer to the next line.

  1. Click Startup Text to enter information that you want to display on the RJE Console startup screen.

  2. When you finish configuring the connection, click OK. If you created a reader on the RJE Description tab, a dialog displays asking if you would like the RJE Configuration Utility to automatically create the RJE readers needed for communicating with the host. We recommend selecting Yes and allowing RJE to create the following necessary devices. Change the state of all printers in the Spool Window to Disabled before RJE creates the devices. Once the readers have been created, you must restart the BARR SpoolCore service for your changes to take effect. If you select No, you will need to manually configure the RJE readers.

  3. To route files from a program to the Spool Window, the printer Connection name - Send to Host is created. This allows you to print directly from a program by selecting File | Print on the menu bar.

  4. To route files from the Spool Window to the host, a spool printer is created for each reader specified. These printers appear in the Spool Window with the name Connection name - RDn. After the BARR SpoolCore service is restarted, you can view the newly created printers.