Configuration Utility - Resource Folders tab

The setup program creates the default folders. If you want to use different folders, you need to specify the folder names in the Configuration Utility and create the folders from the Windows Explorer. You can access this tab from the Configuration Utility.

To view this tab, you must have the appropriate user access rights. The default folders are located on the local hard drive. If you want to define these folders elsewhere on the network, you must be configured to log on as a user account. See the Setting up a network connection topic for more information.

Changes will not take effect until the SpoolCore service is restarted. Depending on the nature of the changes, there can be a 20-second delay when restarting the service.

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Resource Folders Tab

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The base folder where FCB files and other resources are stored. The default FCB folder is located in the Resources folder, that was specified during installation. Inside this base folder, subdirectories for each host and resource library are located, for example, “bar1jes1\sys1.imagelib” for a host named BAR1JES1. At print time, resources are pulled from the directory named after the job’s execution node (NJHGXEQN). If that node is unspecified or that node’s directory does not exist, “default\sys1.imagelib” is used.

Enter a folder name or click the folder button to select a folder.

Forms overlay

The folder where forms overlay files are stored. The default Forms overlay folder is located in the Overlay folder.

Enter a folder name or click the folder button to select a folder.

Header banner

The folder where header banner files are stored. The default Header banner folder is located in the Banner folder that was specified during installation. You can use the Make Banner utility to create banner files.

Enter a folder name or click the folder button to select a folder.

Trailer banner

The folder where trailer banner files are stored. The default Trailer banner folder is located in Trailer folder that was specified during installation. You can use the Make Banner utility to create banner files.

Enter a folder name or click the folder button to select a folder.

Override table

The folder where document attribute override tables are stored. The default attribute Override table folder is located in \\BHCS\Override Table, unless an alternate path was specified during installation.

Enter a folder name or click the folder button to select a folder. If you specify a folder that does not already exist, you will be asked if you want to create it. If you choose to create a new override table folder, the Move Files dialog box displays. By using this dialog box you can move your existing override table files to the new folder. To move existing override table files to the new folder, select them from the list and click OK. The selected files will be moved to the new folder, and the computer registry will be updated to reflect the new file locations.