Using the Make FCB utility

This topic shows how to create a simple FCB with the minimum steps required.

See also:

Adding a channel stop

Complete the following steps to add a channel stop A code (from 1-12) assigned to lines on a form. When a printer encounters a command to advance to a channel stop, the print head moves to the next line identified by the channel stop and gets ready to print. to the FCB.

  1. Open the Make FCB utility.

  2. Open a new or existing FCB document.

  3. On the menu bar, select Edit | Add Channel Stop, or click the Add Stop button on the toolbar. The Add Channel Stop dialog box displays.

  4. Type the channel stop in the Channel stop box. This must be a decimal value from 1 to 12. To enter hexadecimal values for A, B, and C, enter 10, 11, and 12 respectively. The hexadecimal value is written correctly as 0A, 0B, and 0C when the FCB file is saved.

  5. Type the line number in the Line number box. The Barr ASCII printer driver supports FCBs with up to 255 lines on a page.

  1. Click OK to save the channel stop, or click Cancel to return to the FCB without adding a channel stop. Follow the guidelines for naming and saving the FCB.

Modifying a channel stop

Complete the following steps to modify a channel stop on the FCB.

  1. Open the Make FCB utility.

  2. Open the FCB document.

  3. Use the mouse to select the line number of the channel stop you want to modify.

  4. Double-click the channel stop, right-click the channel stop, or select Edit | Edit Channel Stop on the menu bar. The Edit Channel Stop dialog box displays.

  5. Modify the channel stop or line number as appropriate and click OK.

Deleting a channel stop

Complete the following steps to delete a channel stop from the FCB.

  1. Open the Make FCB utility.

  2. Open the FCB document.

  3. Use the mouse to select the line number of the channel stop you want to delete.

  4. Click the Delete Stop button on the toolbar or select Edit | Delete Channel Stop on the menu bar.

Changing the FCB sort order

You can change the FCB’s sort order by clicking either the Line Number or Channel Stop heading in the FCB window. When you click a column heading, the data of both columns will sort in ascending order based on the column selected.

Changing the FCB format

You can change the FCB format by changing the lines per inch, the printable lines per page, and the lines per page.

Changing the lines per inch

To change the FCB’s lines per inch complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Make FCB utility.

  2. Open a new or existing FCB document.

  3. From the Lines/inch drop-down list, select either 6 or 8 lines per inch.

Changing the printable lines per page

To change the FCB’s printable lines per page complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Make FCB utility.

  2. Open a new or existing FCB document.

  3. In the Printable lines/page box, change the number of lines that will print per page. The Printable lines/page must be less than or equal to the Lines/page, otherwise you will receive the error. If you reduce the Printable lines/page, any channel stops occurring on lines beyond the range will be deleted. For example, if you have a channel stop on line 66 and change the Printable Lines/Page to 50, you will receive a warning that all channel stops beyond line 50 will be deleted. Choose OK to continue or Cancel to cancel the operation.

Changing the lines per page

To change the FCB’s lines per page complete the following steps.

  1. Open the Make FCB utility.

  2. Open a new or existing FCB document.

  3. In the Lines/page box, change the FCB size. Standard lines per page values are 66 or 88 for an 11-inch page with either 6 or 8 lines per inch, respectively. The Lines/page must be greater or equal to the Printable lines/page. If you reduce the Printable lines/page, any channel stops occurring on lines beyond the range will be deleted. For example, if you have a channel stop on line 66 and change the Printable Lines/Page to 50, you will receive a warning that all channel stops beyond line 50 will be deleted. Choose OK to continue or Cancel to cancel the operation.

Guidelines for naming FCB files

When you save the FCB, you need to save it in the Resource folder specified on the Resource Folders tab of the Configuration Utility. The Resource folder is the base folder where FCBs are stored. Under the Resource folder, a subfolder for each host and resource library will be created. Make sure you save the FCB in the appropriate subfolder or, if a node is not specified, the "default" folder.

Consider the following factors before you name FCB files.

File name you specify

File name written to SYS1.IMAGELIB folder

Matching FCBNAME










For compatibility with host systems, we recommend limiting FCB names to 4 characters.