Using the User Rights Configuration utility

The User Rights Configuration utility is used to assign users and groups of users rights to specified areas of the Barr Host Communications Suite. Without the appropriate rights, access to some features of the software will be blocked.

To access the User Rights Configuration utility, you must be a member of the local Administrators group or be assigned the Configure - User Security right. Users with these rights can add and remove users or groups and modify the assigned rights.

See also:

Adding users

Complete the following steps to add a user or a group of users. Members of the local Administrators group are automatically granted all user access rights. These users automatically appear in the Domain\User drop-down list. Their rights can be modified as needed.

  1. Open the User Rights Configuration utility. (Open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the directory where the Barr software is installed, open the Spooler folder, and then open the Exe folder. Double-click UserRightsConfig.exe.

  2. Under Domain\User, click Add User or Add Group. The Select Resource dialog box displays.

We recommend creating local groups for Barr Host Communications Suite operators and supervisors (for example BHCSoperator and BHCSsupervisor). All users that need access to the Barr Host Communications Suite must be added to one of the two groups. Use the User Manager to add groups to the local computer.

  1. Under Domain, choose the domain or computer from which the user or group account can be selected. The user or group accounts of the domain or computer selected will appear under Names.

  2. Under Names, select the account for which you would like to assign rights.

  3. Click OK to return to close the Select Resource dialog box.

  4. Assign the appropriate user access rights.

  5. Click OK to exit the User Rights Configuration Utility. Users will be added to the system within one hour, or you can add them immediately by restarting the computer.

Assigning user rights

For each user or groups of users, user rights are assigned by moving entries from the Available list to the Granted list. When rights to an area are denied, menu commands and toolbar buttons become unavailable.

To assign Operator or Advanced rights

Under Default rights, click either Operator or Advanced to assign a pre-configured set of user rights. Complete the following steps to add or remove these rights.

To assign rights

  1. Select a right or group of rights from the Available list. You can select a group of rights by selecting the first entry then holding down SHIFT selecting a second entry, or selecting several entries while holding down the CTRL key. You can also double-click a user right to move the right from one list to another.

  1. Click the right arrow (>) to move the right from the Available list to the Granted list. Click the double right arrows (>>) to move all the rights from the Available list to the Granted list.

  2. Click OK to exit the User Rights Configuration Utility. The user right changes will take effect within one hour, or you can change them immediately by restarting the computer.

To remove rights

  1. Select a right or group of rights from the Granted list. You can select a group of rights by selecting the first entry then holding down SHIFT selecting a second entry, or selecting several entries while holding down the CTRL key. You can also double-click a user right to move the right from one list to another.

  1. Click the left arrow (<) to move the right from the Granted list to the Available list. Click the double left arrows (<<) to move all the rights from the Granted list to the Available list.

  2. Click OK to exit the User Rights Configuration Utility. The user right changes will take effect within one hour, or you can change them immediately by restarting the computer.

Modifying or viewing user rights

Complete the following steps to change or view user rights.

  1. Open the User Rights Configuration utility. (Open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the directory where the Barr software is installed, open the Spooler folder, and then open the Exe folder. Double-click UserRightsConfig.exe.

  2. Under Domain\User, select a user or group from the list.

  3. Assign or remove the appropriate user rights.

  4. Click OK.

  5. You must restart your computer for your changes to take effect. The user right changes will take effect within one hour, or you can change them immediately by restarting the computer.

Removing users

Complete the following steps to remove a user.

  1. Open the User Rights Configuration utility. (Open Windows Explorer. Navigate to the directory where the Barr software is installed, open the Spooler folder, and then open the Exe folder. Double-click UserRightsConfig.exe.

  2. Under Domain\User, select the user to remove from the list.

  3. Click Remove.

  4. A dialog displays asking you to confirm the deletion. Click Yes to delete or No to cancel the deletion.

  5. Click OK to exit the User Rights Configuration Utility. Users will be permanently deleted within one hour, or you can delete them immediately by restarting the computer.