NJE - Common questions

These common questions are typically associated with NJE. If you can't find the answer to your question here, click the Index or Search tab of the Help to search for a specific word or phrase.

See also:

Missing Barr node message

If you delete a connection from the Communications Profile tab, the next time you select the Routing tab the NJE Routing Table -Missing Barr Node dialog box displays. Perform one of the following actions.


Sending ASCII files to the mainframe as SYSIN data with carriage control

You must perform the following steps to send ASCII files to the mainframe as SYSIN data with carriage control. This procedure assumes the data is a text file (ASCII characters) with lines delimited by a carriage return and line feed (CRLF). You will convert the data to ASCII with ASA carriage control.

  1. Use Print Utility to add the file to the spool. Print Utility imports the ASCII file with CRLFs. Use the following settings:

When SYSIN jobs are added to the Spool Window, they appear shaded in a light blue background.

  1. Write the file to disk. The Barr File port writes the file to a folder with CRLFs and ASA carriage control. Use the following settings:

The file now has ASCII characters (as before), but it also has added ASA carriage control.

  1. Use Print Utility to send a JCL file with an embedded ## statement to the host in ASCII send mode. The embedded ## statement includes the file generated by the Barr File port. When Print Utility imports the JCL and reaches the ##D:\<file> statement, it will read the file and convert it to EBCDIC (leaving the ASA carriage control intact, but removing the CRLFs). Use the following Print Utility settings:

Sample JCL file:

/*JOBPARM L=1500

Make sure you add the /A133 to the ##<file> statement or it will truncate to 80 bytes. Also, note the DCB parameter on the sysut2 line, RECFM=FBA tells it to process the file as ASA carriage control.

  1. Route the file to your host/mainframe printer, by changing the state of the file and printer to Ready.

Obtaining valid data set names in NJE

The host does not populate the NJE header field with the data set name unless it is explicitly coded on the SYS statement in the JCL that generates the output. To obtain a valid data set name from the host, the DSN parameter must be coded on the SYSOUT line that generates the output in the JCL.

The following job example will generate two separate data sets, one from each JCL step, S1 and S2. Since the SYSOUT statement in each step does not specify a data set name, the host does not populate the NJE header field for data set name. Thus, NDHGNAME for each data set will be "?" or unknown. Because the Barr software uses the job name and data set name for the document name, the data sets will appear in the Spool Window with document names of "P390A?" and "P390A?" (JobnameDatasetname).

//SYSIN        DD  DUMMY
//SYSIN        DD  DUMMY

In order to obtain valid data set names, the data set name must be specified in the JCL by coding DSN= on the SYSOUT statement of each step. The following job will generate the same two data sets, except now the data set names will be "FIRST" for step S1, and "SECOND" for step S2. Thus, the NDHGNAME header field will be filled in properly by the host, and the data sets will appear in the Spool Window with document names of "P390AFIRST" and "P390ASECOND". When coding the DSN parameter, preface the data set name with "&&" to tell the host that the name is simply a label, rather than referencing a true data set file on the host.

//SYSIN        DD  DUMMY
//SYSIN        DD  DUMMY

See also: Learning about JCL (SYSIN) jobs

Resolving differences between transmitter and receiver values

Complete the following steps to resolve differences between transmitter and receiver values in NJE.

  1. Enter $DNJEDEF on the host operator console to obtain the default settings for the host node.

  2. Note the values for the following parameters JTNUM, JRNUM, STNUM, SRNUM. The following graphic shows an example, with the parameters highlighted in yellow.

0090  $HASP831 NJEDEF 259
0090  $HASP831         HDRBUF=(LIMIT=56,WARN=80,FREE=56),JRNUM=4,
0090  $HASP831         MAXHOP=0,NODENUM=56,PATH=1,RESTMAX=79992000,
0090  $HASP831         RESTNODE=100,RESTTOL=0,TIMETOL=1440

  1. In the NJE Configuration Utility's Advanced Node Settings dialog box, enter the number of transmitters and receivers based on the values obtained from the host console.

Writing the Accounting section of the JCL

The Barr software conforms to IBM standards for handling job accounting information. Although a user can create custom accounting fields which deviate from IBM standards, the host will not be able to fill these fields in correctly if they do not follow the IBM standards. The job line format should follow IBM's JCL accounting standards as shown in the following example.

//jobname JOB (acct,room,time,lines,cards,forms,copies,log,linect)




Account number. One to four alphanumeric characters. Maps to NJH2ACCT.


Room number. One to four alphanumeric characters. Maps to NJHGROOM.


CPU time estimated in minutes. One to four numeric digits. Maps to NJHGETIM and is returned in seconds (for example, 5 in the JCL will be returned by the host as 300).


Estimated thousand lines of printed output. One to four numeric digits. Maps to NJHGELIN and the full number is returned (for example, 5 in the JCL will be returned by the host as 5000).


Estimated number of cards punched. One to four numeric digits. Maps to NJHGECRD.


Requests special forms for printing the entire job. One to four alphanumeric characters. Maps to NJHGFORM and will override SYSOUT statement.


Number of job copies to print. Values can be1 through 255. Maps to NJHGJCPY.


Displays whether or not a job log is requested. N means no job log. This is not returned in the NJE header.


Number of lines per page. One to three digits.

All letters in JCL statements must be uppercase.

See also: Learning about JCL (SYSIN) jobs