Make FCB - Common questions

These common questions are typically associated with Make FCB. If you can't find the answer to your question here, click the Index or Search tab of the Help to search for a specific word or phrase.

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Defining FCBs

The forms control buffer (FCB) defines the page layout for output sent to a printer. FCBs apply to laser and impact printers. A default FCB is associated with each form used for printed output. With the Make FCB utility, you can specify these parameters:

Line spacing – The Lines/inch value defines line spacing. You can change the value to 8 to tighten the line spacing and enable more data to fit on a page. The default is 6 lines per inch.

Page length – The page length is defined by the Lines/page values. This number is calculated by multiplying the length of the paper (usually 11 inches) by the number of lines per page (usually 6). The default is 66 lines per page.

Vertical spacing – Channel stops are used to define vertical spacing. When a printer encounters a command to advance to a channel stop, the print head moves to the specified line and the data is printed. Channel stop 1 usually indicates the top of the form or the first line where the printer will begin printing.

Top Margin – You can set the top margin by reviewing the Lines/inch value and adding a channel stop at the desired line number. For example, if you want a half-inch top margin and the FCB is configured with the defaults (6 lines per inch, 66 lines per page), you would set channel stop 1 at line 3.

Bottom Margin – You can set the bottom margin by changing the Printable lines/page value. By default the Printable lines/page value is equal to the Lines/page value. For example, if you want a half-inch bottom margin and the FCB is configured with the defaults (6 lines per inch, 66 lines per page), you would set Printable lines/page value to 63 lines per page.

Entering alphabetic characters A, B, and C when adding channel stops

Channel stops must be entered as a decimal value from 1 to 12. To enter hexadecimal values for A, B, and C, enter 10, 11, and 12 respectively. The hexadecimal value is written correctly as 0A, 0B, and 0C when the FCB file is saved. See the Adding a channel stop procedure for more information.

Printing labels on cut-sheet printer

This example shows how to switch from printing on continuous feed forms paper for line printers to individual sheets for laser printers. Suppose you need to print one-inch labels on a laser printer. Each label sheet is a standard 8.5 by 11 inch page, with 11 labels per column. At the mainframe, the page size was one inch (one label). For the laser printer, you need to define the FCB length to match the actual page size (one sheet). You also need to define channel stops A code (from 1-12) assigned to lines on a form. When a printer encounters a command to advance to a channel stop, the print head moves to the next line identified by the channel stop and gets ready to print. at one-inch intervals for the start of every label. When it encounters a form feed, the Barr software moves to the top of the next label. The software tracks where it is on the page, and when it reaches the end of the sheet it advances to the next page.

  1. Open the Make FCB utility.

  2. Leave Lines/inch at the default of 6 and the Printable lines/page and Lines/page at the default of 66.

  3. Define channel stops at one-inch intervals for the start of every label.

  1. On the menu bar, select Edit | Add Channel Stop, or click the Add Stop button on the toolbar. The Add Channel Stop dialog box displays.

  2. In the Channel stop box, type 1.

  3. In the Line number box, type 7.

  4. Click OK to save the channel stop.

  5. Repeat steps a-d increasing the line number by 6 each time. You will add 10 channel stops, the last having a line number of 61.

  1. On the menu bar, select File | Save. The Save As dialog box displays. Follow the guidelines for naming and saving the FCB.