Complete the following steps to determine the device addresses Numbers that uniquely identify devices. of your channel devices. Usually you need to enter the channel device addresses in your program.
Before you can begin software configuration, you must install the CHANNEL-OUT adapter as described in your CHANNEL-OUT (BT) manual.
Stop the Windows spooler service.
Connect your channel devices to the CHANNEL-OUT cable. If you have more than one device of the same type (for example, 3211 printers), connect only one of the devices at a time, so you can tell which address corresponds to which device.
Open the BARR/CHANNEL-OUT utility.
Select the Find Devices tab.
Select the Adapter to which the devices in question are attached.
Make sure the device is online and ready to receive data.
Click Find.
View the results in the Devices group box. If a device is found, its address will be reported along with the device type. In some cases, a printer might not accurately report its device type. If you receive a sense code Data describing an I/O error. message, check your channel device documentation to determine the meaning of the sense code.