BARR/RJE manual

15. Commands Sent at Startup

You can enter startup commands (to drain or start the printer, set a printer form, or perform other initial operations) on the BARR/RJE Commands Sent at Startup screen. When BARR/RJE starts, it sends the stored commands to the host computer. The PC operator no longer has to manually issue the same set of commands each time BARR/RJE starts.

15.1 Commands Sent at Startup Screen

To enter and save commands you want BARR/RJE to automatically send to the host computer at startup, follow these steps.

From the Installation Description menu, select Commands Sent at Startup.

When you enter commands, follow these guidelines:

When you finish entering commands, press ENTER to store your changes and return to the Installation Description menu.

15.2 Startup Commands for MVS/JES2 Example

This section describes how to enter and save JES2 commands. Appendix A lists commonly used JES2, JES3, and VSE/POWER commands.

The commands in the following example display the remote’s status, devices, and forms queue for the jobs waiting to print. When BARR/RJE starts, the PC operator can then view the printers’ status and decide which jobs to print next.

  1. Enter the $D U, RMTnn command to display the status of the remote and its devices, where nn is the number for your remote. In this example, the remote number is 15.

  2. Enter a vertical bar (|) to separate the first command from the second command.

  3. Enter the $DF command to display the remote’s forms queue.

  4. Press ENTER to store changes to this screen.