From the spool view of the BARR/Web Interface window, you control the spool printer state, send commands to the printer, and modify the spool printer attributes. Spool printers are used only for outbound spool data. They route files from the Barr spool queue to a physical destination, such as a laser printer, an RJE or NJE host, or other locations on the LAN. You can control spool printers with the following procedures.
Use one of the following methods to change a spool printer’s state.
You can select multiple nonadjacent printers by clicking a single row, and then holding down the CTRL key while you click other rows. You can select multiple adjacent printers by selecting a single row, and then holding down the SHIFT key while you click the last row.
Right-click the printer or group of printers, and select a value from the list.
Select the printer or group of printers, and then select a value from the Printer menu on the menu bar.
You can start spool printers or groups of spool printers from the window. Disabled spool printers are immediately set to the Ready state. Use one of the following methods to start spool printers.
You can select multiple nonadjacent printers by clicking a single row, and then holding down the CTRL key while you click other rows. You can select multiple adjacent printers by selecting a single row, and then holding down the SHIFT key while you click the last row.
Right-click the printer or group of printers you want to start, and select Ready.
Select the printer or group of printers you want to start, and then select Printer | Ready on the menu bar.
Use one of the following methods to reset spool printers.
You can select multiple nonadjacent printers by clicking a single row, and then holding down the CTRL key while you click other rows. You can select multiple adjacent printers by selecting a single row, and then holding down the SHIFT key while you click the last row.
Right-click the printer or group of printers you want to reset, and select Reset.
Select the printer or group of printers you want to reset, and then select Printer | Reset from the menu bar.
Use one of the following methods to pause spool printers.
You can select multiple nonadjacent printers by clicking a single row, and then holding down the CTRL key while you click other rows. You can select multiple adjacent printers by selecting a single row, and then holding down the SHIFT key while you click the last row.
Right-click the printer or group of printers you want to pause, and select Pause.
Select the printer or group of printers you want to pause, and then select Printer | Pause from the menu bar.
You can stop individual printers or groups of spool printers from the window. Idle spool printers are immediately set to Disabled. Active spool printers are set to Draining until their current document completes and then are set to Disabled.
Use one of the following methods to stop spool printers.
You can select multiple nonadjacent printers by clicking a single row, and then holding down the CTRL key while you click other rows. You can select multiple adjacent printers by selecting a single row, and then holding down the SHIFT key while you click the last row.
Right-click the printer or group of printers you want to stop, and select Disable.
Select the printers or group of printers you want to stop, and then select Printer | Disable on the menu bar.
Complete the following steps to send a form feed command to the printer to advance the printer to the top of form. The printer must be disabled before you can send the command.
Right-click the printer you want to send a form feed, and select Disable.
Right-click the printer again, and select Form Feed.
You can modify the values for all spool printer attributes Attributes that control which jobs a spool printer can process. When a file's attributes match a printer's attributes, the file can print. except for the columns that appear gray in color. Use the following methods to modify fields in the window.
You can modify multiple nonadjacent fields by selecting a single row, and then holding down the CTRL key while you click other rows. You can modify multiple adjacent fields by selecting a single row, and then holding down the SHIFT key while you click the last row.
Right-click a printer and choose the appropriate printer command from the menu.
Double-click a field to display the Edit Field dialog box (if the field accepts data entry). You can modify the existing value or type a new value. Click OK to save your changes.