Header Fields - Data set header internal custom section

Additional information about received data sets. Fields in this custom section are maintained by the Barr software. The Internal Custom Section is identified by these values: Major type = X'E6', Modifier =0, and Code value = X'42415252'.


Type of data.

Length and type: 4 character

Default value: 0


Output DCO chain. This field is checked when processing data sets to see if a custom DCO chain will be used. DCO output chains that display in this field will be used to process the data set.

Length and type: 80 character

Default value: none


Destination stream type. SYSOUT is defaulted to zero and is the most common. SYSIN is specific to host.

Length and type: 2 binary

Default value: 0


Standard EBCDIC code conversion page. Default page is 37.

Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: 0


Printer driver name. Used on both receiving and sending sides. You cannot change the value for this field.

Length and type: 64 character

Default value: 0


Hold data set. Setting the value to -1 will set the data set's initial state to Hold. If the value is set to 0, the data set's state remains in the default state, Ready. You cannot change the value for this field.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Do not retain data set. Setting the value to -1 will set the data set's initial disposition to Delete. If the value is set to 0, the data set's disposition remains in the default disposition, Retain. You cannot change the value for this field.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Document delete right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to delete the document.

If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Document hold right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to change the document state to Hold.

If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Document copy count right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to modify the document copy count. This right must be used in conjunction with the NDHBDOCMOD - Doc. Modify right.

If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Document modify right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to modify specific document settings (for example, Form and Class). This right controls the modification of all document settings except the document priority, copy count, and page range. The Doc. Modify right must be specified along with the NDHBDOCPRI - Doc. Priority, NDHBDOCCOP - Doc. Copy Count, and NDHBDOCPRG - Doc. Page Range rights to control these settings.

If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Document page range right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to modify the document page range. This right must be used in conjunction with the NDHBDOCMOD - Doc. Modify right.

If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Document priority right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to modify the document priority. This right must be used in conjunction with the NDHBDOCMOD - Doc. Modify right.

If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Document view right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to view the document or use the Spool Window's Send To option.

If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Retained document delete right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to delete documents from the retain folder. To use this feature, you must enable the retain feature from the Configuration Utility's Spool and Retain tab.

If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Retained document restore right. Setting the value to -1 removes the right and users will not be able to restore documents from the retain folder. To use this feature, you must enable the retain feature from the Configuration Utility's Spool and Retain tab.

If you have been assigned the Document - Rights Override right in the User Rights Configuration utility, the document rights do not apply. Your rights are based on the global rights assigned with the User Rights Configuration utility.

Length, type, and range: 0 bit (0, -1)

Default value: 0


Skip to channel 1 padding. These are the possible values:

Length and type: 1 character (Y, N, or C)

Default value: C


Record padding. These are the possible values:

Length and type: 1 character (Y or N)

Default value: Y


Printer destination. To clear the printer destination field from the Spool Window, click either the hand image or the piece of paper image on the far left of the document row.

Type: character


Forced copies. For files input to the spool from third-party programs, such as Word. This value is set by the third-party program and is stored in a header that the third-party program creates. BHCS can only read this header. It cannot write to it. You cannot change the value for this field.

Length and type: 2 binary


Barr routing node. When you route jobs from the computer to an NJE host, this field specifies which NJE host you want to send the job through.

Length and type: 8 character


Receive the entire job before printing. This field is also controlled by the Print jobs while receiving data option on the Spool Printers tab.

Length and type: 1 character (Y or N)

Default value: Y


Remove NUL bytes from output records being sent to a printer. These are the possible values:

Length and type: 1 character (Y or N)

Default value: N


This byte is used only with resource jobs and is currently the only job spooled from Print Utility with the "Xerox File Format" option. Its possible values are:


Used internally by TCP/IP and Print Utility to wait before writing the modified headers. This is a reserved field that cannot be changed or used for routing.

Length and type: 1 binary


Name of the spool printer to which the job was printed. This is the printer created in SPOOL.

Length and type: 80 character

Default value: This value is set internally at print time.


Name of the physical printer to which the job was printed. This is the printer created in Windows.

Length and type: 80 character

Default value: This value is set internally at print time.


State of the job after attempting to print. Possible values are PRINT, REPRINT, ERROR, HOLD, DELETE, and RESCHEDULE.

Length and type: 20 character

Default value: This value is set internally at print time.


Time the job began printing. You cannot change the value for this field.

Length and type: 64-bit integer

Default value: This value is set internally at print time.


Time the job finished printing. You cannot change the value for this field.

Length and type: 64-bit integer

Default value: This value is set internally at print time.


Truncate blanks. These are the possible values:

Length and type: 1 character (Y, N, or 1)

Default value: Y


The page printed first. For example, if you are reprinting pages 5 -12, the NDHBSPAG would be page 5.

Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: 0


The page printed last. For example, if you are reprinting pages 5 -12, the NDHBEPAG would be page 12.

Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: 0


Total number of pages printed.

Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: 0


Total number of lines printed.

Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: 0


Total number of bytes printed.

Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: 0


Send 3211 FCB. These are the possible values:

Selecting N does not stop default FCBs from being sent to the printer. The Viewer utility and Windows printers using non-Barr drivers or the Barr ASCII driver use these default internal FCBs of 6 lines-per-inch and 66 lines-per-page.

Length and type: 1 character (Y, N, or C)

Default value: C

Barr File Port:


Override FCB. These are the possible values:

Length and type: 1 character (Y or N)

Default value: N


FormDef. The FormDef defines the parameters of the physical page environment, like the overlays and the paper bins used, as well as simplex and duplex options. Corresponds to the FORMDEF JCL parameter.

Length and type: 0 to 8 characters. If the length is greater than 6 characters, the first two characters must be "F1". If the length is from 1 to 6 characters and the value doesn't start with "F1", "F1" is automatically added as the first two characters before the field is used.

Default value: If the input method is able to supply this value, it is set from the FORMDEF JCL parameter. Otherwise, it defaults to blank.


PageDef. The PageDef contains data formatting information for a line-print data set. Corresponds to the PAGEDEF JCL parameter.

Length and type: 0 to 8 characters. If the length is greater than 6 characters, the first two characters must be "P1". If the length is from 1 to 6 characters and the value doesn't start with "P1", "P1" is automatically added as the first two characters before the field is used.

Default value: If the input method is able to supply this value, it is set from the PAGEDEF JCL parameter. Otherwise, it defaults to blank.


Fonts. Up to four coded fonts can be specified. Corresponds to the CHARS JCL parameter.

Length and type: 19 characters. Four 4-character coded font names can be specified with the names separated by commas.

Default value: If the input method is able to supply this value, it is set from the CHARS JCL parameter. Otherwise, it defaults to blank.


TRC. This specifies whether the line print data contains table reference characters (TRC). Corresponds to the TRC JCL parameter. These are the possible values:

Length and type: 1 character (Y or N). A blank value is interpreted as N.

Default value: If the input method is able to supply this value, it is set from the TRC JCL parameter. Otherwise, it defaults to blank.


Encryption Key Name. 1-8 character name of the encryption key created by the Encryption Key Manager.

Length and type: 8 characters (A-Z, 0-9)

Default value: blank


Carriage control. A non-blank value is interpreted as the explicit carriage control type and auto detection will not be attempted. These are the possible values:

Length and type: 1 character (A, M, N, or Z)

Default value: blank


Compression Level. Value used to control data compression. The higher the number, the better compression. When greater compression is used, the event may run slower.

Length and type: 1 binary (0-9)

Default value: 0


Normalize data set. Used with Xerox LCDS or Metacode Transforms. Setting to zero turns off the ability to normalize data; setting to -1 allows the specified LCDS or Metacode data set to be normalized before viewing or transformation.

Length and type: bit 1000

Default value: 0


Split data set. Used to specify data sets that are to be split as specified on the Spool and Retain tab. Setting to 0 turns job splitting off; setting to -1 allows the specified data set to be split.

Length and type: bit 2000

Default value: 0


Index data set. Controls text indexing at the end of receiving data for job splitting. When complete, NDHBTPAG is set with the total number of pages. On the Spool Printers tab, the Print jobs while receiving data option must be disabled. Setting to 0 turns indexing off; setting to -1 turns indexing on.

Length and type: bit 4000

Default value: 0


Convert to PDF. This field is used to convert postscript files to PDF before sending the data to TRANSFORM.

Length and type: bit 8000

Default value: none


Split number. Identifies split data sets. Data sets that are not split are identified by a 0, the first split is identified by a 1, the second split by a 2, and so on. A data set cannot be split more than 7 times.

Length and type: 1 binary (0-7)

Default value: 0


Address line 1. Specifies the delivery address for SYSOUT. Not supported by AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Address line 2. Specifies the delivery address for SYSOUT. Not supported by AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Address line 3. Specifies the delivery address for SYSOUT. Not supported by AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Address line 4. Specifies the delivery address for SYSOUT. Not supported by AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Building. Specifies the building location associated with the SYSOUT. Not supported by AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Department. Specifies the department associated with the SYSOUT for use by the installation to assist in distributing SYSOUT. Not supported by VM, VSE Acronym for Virtual Storage Extended. An IBM operating system (VSE/Advanced Functions). Its current version is called VSE/ESA., or AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Name. Specifies the preferred name to be associated with the SYSOUT for use by the installation. Not supported by AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Notify. Specifies the users to be identified by PSF Acronym for Print Services Facility. A set of processes that translate AFP data to Intelligent Printer Data Streams (IPDS). when the output has finished printing. Not supported by VM, VSE Acronym for Virtual Storage Extended. An IBM operating system (VSE/Advanced Functions). Its current version is called VSE/ESA., or AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Room. Specifies the room identification to be associated with the SYSOUT for use by the installation. Not supported by AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Title. Specifies a description of the SYSOUT that can be placed on separator pages by the installation. Not supported by VM, VSE Acronym for Virtual Storage Extended. An IBM operating system (VSE/Advanced Functions). Its current version is called VSE/ESA., or AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


User Library. Specifies the libraries containing the Advanced Function Printer (AFP) resources that PSF Acronym for Print Services Facility. A set of processes that translate AFP data to Intelligent Printer Data Streams (IPDS). uses when processing data sets. Not supported by VM, VSE Acronym for Virtual Storage Extended. An IBM operating system (VSE/Advanced Functions). Its current version is called VSE/ESA., or AS/400.

Length and type: 60 EBCDIC text characters

Default value: none


Writer. Specifies the name of an installation-written program in the system library that is to write the output data set. Not supported by VM.

Length and type: 8 characters (A-Z, 0-9, #, @, $)

Default value: none


Indexed pages. After indexing a file, this field displays the total number of pages in the file.

Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: none


Extended reprint range. Specifies a print range.

Length and type: 80 character

Default value: none


The name of the Barr Host Communications Suite source that displays in the Barr EOM Source list.

Length and type: 50 character

Default value: blank

This value is automatically supplied by most Barr Host Communications Suite sources.


The Barr EOM Type ID of the Barr Host Communications Suite source.

Type IDs














Windows Queue



Print Channel

Network Folder


Length and type: 4 binary

Default value: 0

This value is automatically supplied by most Barr Host Communications Suite sources.