BHCS - Common questions

These common questions are typically associated with BHCS f you can't find the answer to your question here, click the Index or Search tab of the Help to search for a specific word or phrase.

See also:

In-file processing appears to be inconsistent

Although in-file processing may appear to be inconsistent, it is actually consistent with the order of settings within the data. If the same header is used multiple times, it will be overwritten as the file is processed. For example, if the same field is used as a document attribute (#2) and in an override table (#5) the override table value will be used. Header information is applied in the following order:


Protocol-dependent host information such as LPD control files and RJE PDIR


User-defined information such as document attributes


Binary with Barr routing header, Barr archive, and BARR DOS (ASCII or S/370) file types


Output statements and headers from data. Typically, output statements and headers from data are managed in the order in which they exist in the file. However, if the same setting exists in both the output statement and headers from data and Keep data prior is selected, then the last setting in the file will override the previous setting. If Keep data prior is not selected, the setting in headers from data will always be used.


Override tables

For example:


Set Headers from Data set to extract NDHGRMT from column 1 of line 1 for 8 characters.


This is a cool test file.
That's all there is to it.
Now you will see a lot a numbers.



Output Statement






Keep Data Prior

Not set



Not Set




Now you

This is

This is

Now you

This is




Default for stream

Default for stream

Default for stream

Output statement

Removed from data stream

Removed from data stream

Removed from data stream

Removed from data stream

Left in data stream

Operating BHCS in the background

You can use one of the following methods to operate BHCS in the background, while the Spool Window remains closed. To check on spool operation at any time, you can display the Spool Window, and then close the window to resume background operation.

Automatic startup

You can configure the BARR SpoolCore service to start at computer startup. When the service starts, the spool operates and can send, receive, and route documents.

  1. Configure the BARR SpoolCore service to start automatically.

  2. Restart your computer.

Manual startup

You can start the BARR SpoolCore service manually.

File systems used for the Spool and Retain directories

Barr Host Communications Suite can use either the FAT The system used by MS-DOS to organize and manage files. The FAT (file allocation table) is a data structure that MS-DOS creates on the disk when the disk is formatted. or the NTFS Acronym for NT File System. An advanced file system designed for use specifically with the Windows NT operating system. file systems for its directories. We recommend using an NTFS file system for the Spool and Retain folders because of the 2-GB size limitation when using the FAT file system and for the extra security.

The meaning of the document name in the Spool Window

The document name in the Spool Window Document list consists of the job name followed the data set name (for example, JobnameDatasetname). The job name can be found in document properties in the Job Header General Section in the NJHGJNAM Job Name field. The data set name can be found in the Data Set Header General Section in the NDHGNAME Data Set Name field. If a job name has been specified, then the document name will be created by concatenating the job name plus the data set name. For example, job name ABC that has a data set named test would have the document name ABCtest.

If the NDHDJNAM Custom Job Name field is populated, that name will override the JobnameDatasetname combination.

Setting all files to a Hold status as they are received into the spooler

When data is received data into the Barr spooler, the data is automatically received in a Ready status. This is to facilitate automatic spooling of jobs. In certain situations, it is necessary to have the jobs be received in Hold status, for example, to set the proper form on the printer.

To set all files to a Hold status when they are received, create an override table using the following guidelines.

  1. Open the Configuration Utility.

  2. Select the Override Table tab.

    Override Table Tab

  3. Under Manage override tables, click Add.

  4. Enter a name for the override table. Click OK. The Rules Editor dialog box displays.

    Rules Editor Dialog Box

  5. In the Rules box, select Data Set Header Overrides.

  6. Click Add.

  7. In the Rules box, under Actions select <None>.

  8. Click Modify. The Rule Action dialog box displays.

  1. Under Step 1, click Field assignment.

  2. Under Step 2, click the plus sign (+) next to Data Set Header, click the plus sign next to Internal Custom Section, and then select NDHBFHLD - Hold data set.

  3. Under Step 3, choose Value, and then enter -1 in the Value box.

  1. Click OK twice to return to the Override Table tab.

To activate the override table

  1. Under Active override table, select the override table you just created.

If another override table is selected, you can merge the override tables.

  1. Stop and restart the BARR SpoolCore service so changes will take effect.