Configuration Utility - Common questions

These common questions are typically associated with the Configuration Utility. If you can't find the answer to your question here, click the Index or Search tab of the Help to search for a specific word or phrase.

See also:

Repairing user rights after restoring the software using the Backup Configuration utility

To regain access to the Barr Host Communications Suite, follow these steps to remove the previous user and group SID values from the Barr Systems Registry Key.

These steps require you to use the Windows Registry Editor. The system registry contains information about how your computer runs, and your computer might not work if there is an error in your registry. If you are unfamiliar with the Registry Editor, we do not recommend that you perform this procedure. Please contact Barr Systems Technical Support and reference this topic to be walked through this procedure.

  1. On the taskbar, click Start | Run.

  2. Type REGEDT32, and then click OK. The Registry Editor displays.

  3. Select HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE | SOFTWARE | Barr Systems | SpoolNT | UserSecurity.

  4. Delete the user and group SID values.

  5. Exit Regedt32 and restart your computer.

  6. Assign access rights to the users and groups using the User Rights Configuration utility.

Turning off padding and truncation of trailing blanks

If you do not want BHCS to pad blank records with a space at print time, set the NDHBPADR, NDHBPAD1, and NDHBTRNC header fields to N. These fields are located in the Data set header internal custom section.

Complete the following steps to create an override table that will automatically set these fields to N.

  1. Open the Configuration Utility.

  2. From the Override Table tab, click Add.

  3. Enter a name for the override table and click OK. The Rules Editor dialog box displays.

    Rules Editor Dialog Box

  4. In the Rules box, select Data Set Header Overrides, and then click Add.

  5. Follow these steps to add a condition statement. If you want the action to apply to all jobs, leave the condition blank and skip the following steps.

  1. In the Rules box under Conditions, select <None> and click Modify. The Rule Conditions dialog box displays.

    Rule Conditions Dialog Box

  2. In the Header fields box, click the plus sign (+) next to Job Header or Data Set Header.

  3. Click the plus sign (+) next to the appropriate section and select a field from the list.

  4. Under Conditions construction, select FIELD.

  5. Select an operand (=, !, <, >).

  6. Select a field or value to complete the expression. Select FIELD or VALUE as appropriate.

Complex expressions can include an AND or OR condition. Remember to use parentheses to separate statements. For example, (Field operand Value) OR (Field operand Value).

  1. Click OK to return to the Rules Editor dialog box.

  1. Complete the following steps to add an action statement. Override tables must contain at least one action statement.

  1. In the Rules box under Actions, select <None> and then click Modify. The Rule Actions dialog box displays.

    Rule Actions Dialog Box

  2. Choose the Field assignment action.

  3. Click the plus sign (+) next to Data Set Header.

  4. Click the plus sign (+) next to Internal Custom Section.

  5. Under Choose One, select Value and type N in the Value box.

  6. Click OK to return to the Rules Editor dialog box.

  1. Click Add and then repeat step 6 for the NDHBPAD1 and NDHBTRNC fields.

  2. Click OK to return to the Override Table tab.

  3. To activate the override table, under Active override table, select the override table you just created.

  4. Stop and restart the BARR SpoolCore service so changes will take effect.

Using wildcard characters in an override table

You can use a wildcard character to search for a specific string of characters within an NJE header field and then apply an action. By using an asterisk (*) before and after the desired string of characters, the enclosed characters will be used for the search. For example, by entering *abcd* in the Rule Conditions box of the Rules Conditions dialog box, the specified NJE header field will be searched for any occurrence of abcd. For additional information, see the To add a condition instructions when creating an override table.

Specifying attributes when routing to multiple destinations

When routing a job to multiple destinations, you can create an override table to route jobs to multiple destinations and specify document attributes based on the individual printers or printer group.