Working with RJE connections

Use the RJE Configuration Utility to create and maintain RJE connections. Use the RJE Console to start and stop connections.

You must be a member of the local Administrators group to operate the RJE Configuration Utility. If you are assigned the Configure - RJE user access right on the computer to which you are trying to connect, but are not a member of the Administrators group, the RJE Configuration Utility will operate in read-only mode.

If you are working with connections located on a different computer, click More on the RJE Configuration Utility. Under Computer, select the appropriate Domain and computer Name from the drop-down lists. Then click List Connections to display the connections on the selected computer.

See also:

Defining a connection

Complete the following steps to define a RJE connection. If connections are not defined on the selected computer, the RJE connection box will display the following message: No connections defined.

  1. Open the RJE Configuration Utility.

  2. Click Add. The Add Host Configuration dialog box displays.

  3. Type a connection name and click OK. The connection name cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? � < > |.

  1. From the Connection Properties dialog box, configure the HPR/IP or MS/LUA connection.

  2. When you finish configuring the connection, click OK. If you created a reader on the RJE Description tab, a dialog displays asking if you would like the RJE Configuration Utility to automatically create the RJE readers needed for communicating with the host. We recommend selecting Yes and allowing RJE to create the following necessary devices. You must restart the BARR SpoolCore service for your changes to take effect.

  3. To route files from a program to the Spool Window, the printer Connection name - Send to Host is created. This allows you to print directly from a program by selecting File | Print on the menu bar.

  4. To route files from the Spool Window to the host, a spool printer is created for each reader specified. These printers appear in the Spool Window with the name Connection name - RDn. After the BARR SpoolCore service is restarted, you can view the newly created printers.

Modifying a connection

Complete the following steps to modify a RJE connection.

  1. Open the RJE Configuration Utility.

  2. Select a connection and click Modify, or right-click the connection and select Modify. The RJE Configuration dialog box displays.

  3. From the Connection Properties dialog box, configure the HPR/IP or MS/LUA connection.

  4. If you modify the connection by adding or removing readers, when you click OK to close the utility, a dialog displays asking if you would like the RJE Configuration Utility to automatically update the RJE readers associated with the connection. We recommend selecting Yes and allowing RJE to update the necessary devices. To update the printers displaying in the Spool Window, you must restart the BARR SpoolCore service.

  5. If you have modified an active connection, stop and restart the host connection for changes to take effect.

Deleting a connection

Complete the following steps to delete a RJE connection.

  1. Open the RJE Configuration Utility.

  2. Select a connection and click Remove, or right-click the connection and select Remove. A dialog displays asking if you would like to remove any RJE readers associated with the connection. Click Yes to delete the connection and associated readers, No to delete the connection and leave the readers, or Cancel to cancel the deletion of the connection.

Creating a copy of a connection

Complete the following steps to create a copy of a RJE connection.

  1. Open the RJE Configuration Utility.

  2. Select the connection you want to copy and click Copy, or right-click the connection and select Copy. The Copy Connection dialog box displays.

  3. Type a connection name and click OK. The connection name cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? " < > |.

  1. You can rename the copied connection by single-clicking the copy twice, or by right-clicking the copy and selecting Rename.

Importing a connection

Complete the following steps to import a RJE connection. Use the Operator Console to display warning messages that indicate potential conversion errors. Set the priority level for the RJE Configuration module to Technical Trace.

  1. Open the RJE Configuration Utility.

  2. Click Import. The Import Connection dialog box displays.

  3. Select the file to import, and then click Open. Connections created using the RJE module of the Barr Host Communications Suite will have a .brc extension. Connections defined using the RJE DOS product will have a .cfg extension. If you are importing a DOS configuration file, the Import Options dialog box displays.

  4. Enter a Connection name. The connection name cannot contain the following characters: \ / : * ? � < > |.

  5. Choose if you want to Convert forms to FCBs. The FCBs will be placed in a \\RemoteName\Sys1.Imagelib folder. The folder will be created under the Resource folder specified on the Configuration Utility's Resource Folders tab.

If you are upgrading from the DOS software and are only going to use one connection, we recommend selecting Store FCBs in default Sys1.Imagelib. This will place the FCBs in the same directory, but use the \\Default\Sys1.Imagelib folder.

  1. Choose if you want to convert an internal or external FAT to an override table. Select Convert internal FAT to override table or Convert external FAT to override as appropriate. If you are importing an external FAT, click the folder button and browse to select the file containing the external FAT. The override tables will be stored in the folder specified on the Configuration Utility's Resource Folders tab. You must select this override table as the Active override table on the Override Table tab.

If you have FATs specified that were not converted during the import, you can use the DOS FAT Conversion Utility to convert the files.

  1. Click OK. If you attempt to import a configuration file with the same name as an existing connection, a message will appear asking if you want to replace the existing connection. To replace the existing connection, click Yes. If you do not want to replace the connection, click No to cancel the import.

  1. From the Connection Properties dialog box, configure the HPR/IP or MS/LUA connection as necessary.

  2. When you finish configuring the connection, click OK. If you created a reader on the RJE Description tab, a dialog displays asking if you would like the RJE Configuration Utility to automatically create the RJE readers needed for communicating with the host. We recommend selecting Yes and allowing RJE to create the following necessary devices. You must restart the BARR SpoolCore service for your changes to take effect.

  3. To route files from a program to the Spool Window, the printer Connection name - Send to Host is created. This allows you to print directly from a program by selecting File | Print on the menu bar.

  4. To route files from the Spool Window to the host, a spool printer is created for each reader specified. These printers appear in the Spool Window with the name Connection name - RDn. After the BARR SpoolCore service is restarted, you can view the newly created printers.

A log file is created during the import. We recommend that you view the log file to verify that the import completed successfully. The log file is located in the \\BHCS\Log folder. The file name is RJE_Import_Configurationfilename.log.

Exporting a connection

Complete the following steps to export a RJE connection.

  1. Open the RJE Configuration Utility.

  2. Select the connection you want to export To move information from one system or program to another. and click Export, or right-click the connection and select Export. The Export Configuration dialog box displays.

  3. Navigate to the folder where you want to export the file and click Save. The file will be saved with a .brc extension.