Barr software uses the channel address during communications with the mainframe. The mainframe identifies each channel device by this address. For each connection, you must enter the channel address in the SNA gateway connection configuration, as well as in the mainframe definition.
Barr software uses the channel address, and the control unit image number for ESCON connections, during communications with the mainframe. The mainframe identifies each channel device by these addresses. For each connection, you must enter the channel address, and control unit image number for ESCON connections, in the SNA gateway connection configuration, as well as in the mainframe definition.
SNA gateway connection configuration – Enter the unit address in the Channel Address field, located on the Connection Properties Address tab. For ESCON connections, you must also enter the logical address in the Control Unit Image Number field. If you enter an incorrect address, VTAM will report an error. For more information about the SNA gateway configuration, see the section on Channel Attached Setup in your Microsoft documentation.
Mainframe definition – In the mainframe definition, the name of the subchannel address field depends on your mainframe subsystem. For more information about configuring the mainframe, see Appendix A of the BARR/CHANNEL manual.