After you install the Barr software, you need to add the BARR/CHANNEL link service to the SNA gateway. When you add the BARR/CHANNEL link service, the Barr configuration utility displays so you can configure the device driver.
Follow these steps to insert a link service from Microsoft SNA Server or HIS. See the documentation for your SNA gateway for additional instructions.
Open Microsoft SNA Manager.
SNA Server – From the taskbar, click Start | Programs | Microsoft SNA Server | Manager.
HIS – From the taskbar, click Start | Programs | Host Integration Server | Manager.
Open the Servers folder in the left column of the window and select the server to which you want to add the link service.
On the menu bar, select Insert | Link Service. The Insert Link Service dialog box displays.
Select Barr Systems B&T Channel Link Service or Barr Systems ESCON Channel Link Service from the link services list, depending on the type of connection you are using.
Click Add. The Barr configuration utility displays.
If you are using an HIS system, the link service’s Properties dialog box will display. Click Configure to open the Barr configuration utility.
Configure the device driver.
After you add the BARR/CHANNEL link service, the Barr configuration utility displays. Use this utility to configure the device driver for the channel adapter and define the way the Barr software communicates with the mainframe.
Follow these steps to set up the device driver.
Select the Link tab.
Select the Adapter from the drop-down list.
Specify whether or not the link service can be distributed.
Select the Adapter tab.
If using a Bus & Tag connection, specify which Channel transfer mode to use. If using an ESCON connection, specify the Control unit image.
Specify the Static subchannel addresses.
When you finish configuring the device driver, click OK.
After you set up the device driver, specify the address of each device in the SNA gateway connection and host configurations.
Before you can use the new link service, you must run Microsoft SNA Server or HIS to configure the link service connections. See your Microsoft Help for instructions.
After installation, you can run the configuration utility again by right-clicking the BARRC1 (Bus & Tag) or BARRE1 (ESCON) link service icon and then selecting Properties.