Detecting printers


You can configure Barr EOM to automatically detect printers using one of the following detection methods: print server detection, SNMP detection (broadcast or IP ranges), or PJL (printer job language). You can setup a frequency that will determine how often the auto detect printers is run.

Print server detection is used to detect printers that are on the selected server’s print server, printers IP address, and printers PJL. Printers can be detected on all servers that have the Barr EOM SNMP Service installed. Once printers are detected, they can then be configured as Barr EOM Socket or LPD sources. You can also remove any detected printers as necessary.

Complete the following steps to detect printers with Barr EOM.

  1. From the EOM Console navigation pane, select the Administration application.

  2. In the navigation pane, click Detect Printers. The Detect Printers Utility is displayed.

To configure autodetection

  1. In the Autodetection Services grid, select the check box for the servers you want to auto detect printers. The grid lists all of the servers with the Barr EOM SNMP Service installed.

  2. For the selected servers, select the check boxes for each detection method you want to run. You can select Use Print Server Detection, Use SNMP Detection, and Try PJL.

  3. If you select Use SNMP Detection, complete the following steps.

  1. In the SNMP Detection Method column, choose the detection method, either Broadcast or IP Range(s).

  2. If you select IP Range(s), click the IP Range(s) cell. Enter the Start IP address and the End IP address and click Add. You can enter additional IP ranges as needed. Click OK when finished.

  1. To set an auto detection frequency, click the Frequency cell and enter how often you want auto detection to run. The frequency format is dd.hh:mm:ss (days.hours:minutes:seconds). By default auto detection is disabled, so the frequency is set to 00:00:00. If you want to change the frequency to 1 day, edit the cell to show 01.00:00:00.

To automatically detect printers, a frequency must be set for the particular detection method you want to use. If the frequency is left at all zeros (disabled) autodetection will only occur when the Detect Now button is clicked.

  1. Click Apply to save your changes.

  2. Click Detect Now to start the autodetection process. The Last Autodetection column will update to show the current date and time when the autodetection is complete. The Autodetected Devices grid will update to list any newly detected printers. Note, a printer may be listed multiple times, once from each server where autodetection was run.

To configure detected devices

These steps will be performed from the Autodetected Devices grid. The grid lists all of the previously detected devices. Notice there are four tabs below the grid, Newly Detected, Already Added, Previously Ignored, and All Detected Devices.

To add detected devices as Barr EOM Socket destinations.

  1. From the Autodetected Devices grid, select the check boxes for each device you want to be added as a Barr EOM Socket destination for a specific server.

  2. Click Add Socket Destination.

  3. From the Select Destination Server dialog box, select the appropriate Server and click OK. These printers are moved from the Newly Detected tab to the Already Added tab.  

  4. To add socket destinations for additional servers, repeat these steps.

To add detected devices as Barr EOM LPR destinations.

  1. From the Autodetected Devices grid, select the check boxes for each device you want to be added as a Barr EOM LPR destination for a specific server.

  2. Click Add LPR Destination.

  3. From the Select Destination Server dialog box, select the appropriate Server and click OK. These printers are moved from the Newly Detected tab to the Already Added tab.

  4. To add LPR destinations for additional servers, repeat these steps.

To remove or ignore printers

Once all of the necessary printers are associated with the correct servers, the other detected printers can remain in the utility or can be removed or ignored.

  1. To remove printers, select the appropriate printers and click Delete.

  2. To ignore printers, select the appropriate printers and click Ignore. The selected printers will be moved to the Previously Ignored tab.

See also:
