Removing the Barr software

Barr EOM

Complete the following steps to remove the Barr EOM components that were installed by the setup program.

  1. If you do not intend to reinstall the software, make note of the EOM file store for cleanup later in the uninstall process. (Open a source configuration and select the More settings tab. For the Set file store option, click the down arrow and note the file store paths.)

  2. Make sure all EOM processes have completed, including scheduled processes. Disable all sources to ensure no further input will occur.

  3. Close all Barr EOM programs and utilities.

  4. Stop all Barr EOM services from the Barr EOM Server Configuration Utility.

  1. From the task bar, click Start | All Programs | Barr Systems | Barr EOM | EOM Server Configuration. The Barr EOM Server Configuration Utility displays.

  2. From the EOM services configuration tab, select all of the services and click Stop Selected Service. Wait for the Status column to display Stopped for all of the services. This indicates all of the EOM service components are stopped for the selected server.

  3. If other machines are running EOM services, you must complete these steps on each machine. Make sure you complete these steps for the server that has the DBM service running last.

  1. Open Control Panel | Add or Remove Programs (or Programs and Features in Windows Vista).

  2. From the program list, select Barr EOM Console and click Remove. The Uninstall program will close any open programs. Any unsaved data will be lost.

  3. From the confirmation dialog box, click Yes to continue (or No to cancel). Wait for the uninstall to complete.

  4. Repeat steps 6 through 8 for each of the remaining Barr EOM programs listed in the Add or Remove Programs utility.

The Uninstall program does not remove information created during Barr EOM configuration and operation. If you intend to reinstall the software, keep these items. To completely remove the program, complete the following steps.

  1. Delete the \\Program Files\Barr Systems folder.

  2. Delete each of the EOM file store folders noted above.

  3. Delete the \\Documents and Settings\UserName\Application Data\Barr Systems, LLC folder. This folder needs to be deleted for each user login that has accessed the EOM Console and the All Users folder. Make sure you perform this step from each computer that has accessed EOM Console (for each login).

  4. Delete the Barr EOM database.

  1. Delete the EOM database from the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

  2. In the \\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server\MSSQL.1\MSSQL\DATA folder, delete the following files:

database name_datetimestamp.mdf and

database name_datetimestamp_Log.ldf.

  1. Delete any old ports.

  1. Open Control Panel | Printers and Faxes.

  2. On the menu bar select File | Server Properties.

  3. From the Ports tab, select the ports that are no longer needed and click Delete Port.

See also: