Using the Message Console

Message Console

The Message Console gathers information about program activity. The console is used as a journaling tool to record and display activity that occurs during normal program operation. It also generates comprehensive information that can be used by Barr Systems’ developers and support staff to troubleshoot program operation if necessary. Once the program begins, data is automatically traced according to defined priorities and servers/modules selected.

See also:

Capturing trace data

To trace activity, select the modules and set the priority level for each module. Records with a priority level less than or equal to the set priority level will display in the Message Console.

Performance tuning: Setting the priority level higher than Operator Information can cause performance degradation. Because the Message Console continues to process information after you close the utility, you must check the priority level setting before you close. If you experience any problems, we recommend changing the priority level setting to Operator Information.

  1. From the EOM Console, select Tools | Message Console to open the Message Console utility.

  2. On the toolbar, select Configure. The Adjust Message Priority dialog box displays.

    Set Message Priority Dialog Box

  3. Set the priority level for the appropriate modules. The console will display records that have a priority level less than or equal to the selected priority level. There are several ways to set the module's priority level.

  1. To set a module's priority, click the Priority cell for the appropriate server/module row and select the priority level from the list. Notice, the Server column lists all servers with Barr EOM services installed. For each server, the Message Module column lists each module. Use the server/module row to specify a priority for each module on a specific server.

  2. To set all modules on a server to the same priority level, in the Message Module column locate the All Modules on this Server cell for the appropriate server. In that row, click the Priority cell and select the priority level from the list. All messages for the selected server to be set to the specified priority level. All of the other rows will remain unchanged in the grid, but the Message Console messages will be set at the priority specified in the All Modules on this Server row.

  1. Click OK to close and save changes.

Showing/hiding the message panel

To show/hide the message panel in the Message Console, click the Message Panel toolbar button. The message panel will display below the message grid. The details of the selected message will display in the panel.

Clearing the messages in the console

To clear the messages currently displaying in the Message Console, click the Clear Messages toolbar button.

Copying messages to Microsoft Excel

Complete the following steps to copy messages and paste them into Microsoft Excel.

  1. From the Message Console utility, select the rows you want to copy.

  2. Right-click in the selected rows and select Copy.

  3. Open Microsoft Excel and paste the messages. This will paste the contents of the entire row.

Exporting messages

Complete the following steps to export messages.

  1. From the Message Console utility, select the rows you want to export.

  2. Right-click in the selected rows and select Export. The Preview window is displayed.

  3. Export the files as needed from the Preview window.

Pausing and resuming automatic refresh

The Message Console automatically refreshes to always display newly received messages. You can use the toolbar buttons to pause and resume the automatic refresh feature.