Working with alert rules

Administrators can create alert rules for configuring alert options when certain events happen. This is particularly useful for monitoring printer states. Using alert rules, support personnel can be automatically notified when printers have conditions that could prevent end user printing.

See also:

Managing alert rules

The following procedure provides the basic steps for managing alert rules.

  1. From the EOM Console menu bar select Tools | Alert Rules. The Alert Rules Manager dialog box displays.

  2. The alert rules grid lists all of the defined alert rules, in the order they will be processed. Selecting a rule will display the rule for preview below the grid. The alert rules grid is editable. Use the following procedures from the rules grid.

  3. Use the check box in the Enabled column to determine if the rule is enabled or disabled.

  4. To change the follow-on action, click in the Follow-on Action cell and select the action you would like to take after this rule has been processed. You can continue processing rules or select not to process any additional rules.

  1. Under the alert rules grid, use the following procedures to configure rules.

  2. To create a rule, click Add. The Alert Rule dialog box displays. (See the next section for detailed steps.)

  3. To modify a rule, select a rule and click Modify.

  4. To delete a rule, select a rule and click Remove.

  5. To create a copy of a rule, select a rule and click Copy. This will create a copy of the selected rule. Click in the Name cell of the new rule to rename.

  6. To reorder the rules, select a rule and click Move Up or Move Down.

  1. Click OK or Apply to save your changes.


Creating alert rules

Use the following procedure to create an alert rule. You will configure conditions and an email action.

  1. From the menu bar select Tools | Alert Rules. The Alert Rules Manager dialog box displays.

  2. Under the alert rules grid, click Add. The Alert Rule dialog box displays.

  3. Enter a rule Name and Description.

  4. Use the Enabled check box to determine if the rule will be enabled or disabled.

  5. Use the following steps to create a rule condition.

  1. In the When box, click the <Values> link in the Destination State statement. The Select Alert dialog box displays.

  2. From the tree, select the destination states that require alerts. The tree is organized into five sections, General, Input, Markers, Media Path, and Output. Expand the sections and select the appropriate conditions. Selecting a section will select all conditions it contains.

  3. Click OK.

  4. In the When box, click the <Values> link in the Destination statement.

  5. Select the appropriate destinations in the tree. You can multiple select by pressing the CTRL or SHIFT keys and selecting destinations.  

  6. Click OK.

  1. Use the following steps to create a send email rule action.

  1. In the Perform the following actions box, click the <Action> link and select Send Email. The Send Email dialog box displays.

  2. Select a Profile from the list. You can also click the Browse button to display the Manage Outbound Email Profiles dialog box. This dialog box lists all of the defined email profiles. From this dialog box you can create, import, and export profiles, as well as manage all existing profiles.

  3. To create a new email profile, click New. Configure the email profile from the dialog box that displays. When you are finished, click OK, and then Close.

  4. From the Send Email dialog box, enter the email address you want to be sent notifications in the To, CC, and Bcc boxes. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon or comma.

  5. In the Reply to box, enter an email address where replies will be routed. You can enter multiple email addresses separated by a semicolon or comma.

  6. Enter the email Subject text.

  7. Under Digest, determine if you want to send the notification messages for multiple events concatenated into one email. To enable the digest feature, in the Send Digest list, choose from the following options:

If necessary, specify the Interval in minutes. In the Max Alerts box, you can specify the maximum number of alerts to be included in the digest.

  1. Enter the body text. To insert document properties in the body text, right-click in the text box, select Insert Document Property, and choose the appropriate properties. The values of the properties will display in the email message.

  2. Click Validate to validate the entered body text.

  3. Click OK.

  1. You can create, organize, and remove rule actions using the buttons below the actions box.

  2. From the Follow-on Action list, click the action you would like to take after this rule has been processed. You can continue processing rules or select not to process any additional rules.

  3. Click OK to save your alert rule.
